January 2006

...the field wherein the New Group of World Servers works is that of mankind, conditioned and ruled for the past two thousand years by Piscean energy.

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February 2006

Within the body of the planetary Logos humanity is slowly building that which they call the antahkarana; this is, in reality, the linking thread between the head centre of Sanat Kumara and His heart centre.

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March 2006

Illusion, for our purposes, can be understood to signify the reaction of the undisciplined mind to the newly contacted world of ideas.

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April 2006

The word “revelation” is one that has been greatly misused by the mystics of the Church and of the great world religions; by them, its use is usually of a selfish nature and the concept implied is that revelation is the due reward, conceded to the mystic because of his struggles and his deep search for God.

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May 2006

In the process of dissipating glamour, the way of the greatest potency is to realise the necessity to act purely as a channel for the energy of the soul.

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June 2006

Humanity at this time is passing through a cycle of excessive activity. For the first time in human history this activity embraces mankind on a large scale in the entire three aspects of the personality consciousness.

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July 2006

The laws of thought are the laws of creation, and the entire creative work is carried forward on the etheric level. This constitutes practically a second formula.

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August 2006

In every race and nation, in every climate and part of the world, and throughout the endless reaches of time itself, back into the limitless past, men have found the Path to God;

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September 2006

If, for instance, there are indeed seven rays, embodying seven types of divine energy, then a man should be able to recognise these types...

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October 2006

The one thing which humanity needs today is the realisation that there IS a Plan which is definitely working out through all world happenings

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November 2006

For a long period of lives the Ego remains practically unconscious of the Personality. The magnetic link exists, but that is all until the time comes when the personal life reaches a point...

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December 2006

The study of symbols conceptually carries you inward from the brain to the mind, into the realm of ideas. It sweeps into focussed activity the mental apparatus.

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