
De Werken van Hercules: Een astrologische Verklaring

De Werken van Hercules – een astrologische verklaring door Alice Bailey, geeft een levendige beschrijving van de reis van de ziel tijdens haar voortschrijdende incarnaties doorheen de twaalf tekens van de dierenriem. De werken die Hercules moet volbrengen symboliseren de specifieke uitdagingen die alle discipelen onder ogen moeten zien als zij zichzelf willen vormen tot beter dienstbetoon aan hun medemensen. Het is een uitstekende inleiding tot een beter esoterisch begrip van de astrologie.

Ponder on This (paperback)

Throughout the books of Alice Bailey we frequently come across arresting suggestions and ideas. Many of these are brought together in this book. Arranged in alphabetical subject order they form an ideal introduction to the books as a whole. Topics include: The Ancient Mysteries; Courage; Crisis; Guidance; Joy; Mind; The New Age; Visualisation.

The Soul, The Quality of Life

The Soul, The Quality of Life is a comprehensive compilation revealing the qualities and relationships of the soul. This book gives us "…much upon which to ponder, to think and to meditate. Let us search for the thread of gold which will lead us, in waking consciousness, into the treasure house of our own souls, and there let us learn to be at-one with all that breathes, to sense the vision for the whole, as far as we can, and to work in unison with God's plan as far as it has been revealed to us by Those Who know."

Serving Humanity

Service can be briefly described as the spontaneous effect of soul contact. This contact is so definite and fixed that the life of the soul can pour through into the instrument – the personality – which the soul must perforce use upon the physical plane. This book contains a comprehensive collection of quotations to stimulate thought and increase our understanding of service and its vital importance at the present time.

De Dood, het grote avontuur

Door de uitgebreide publiciteit over ‘de bijna dood ervaring’ zoeken nu veel mensen naar een dieper begrip van de dood en het proces van sterven. Esoterische leringen van de fijnstoffelijke lichamen en hun onderlinge verhouding hebben aan hen die nadenken over en onderzoek doen naar het mysterie van de dood, veel te bieden. Het gebruik van de citaten uit dit boek als zaadgedachten of ideeën ter overdenking, zal de lezers helpen om hun ideeën en hun zienswijze over dit onderwerp te verhelderen.

De Hoofdindex van de boeken van Alice Bailey (Niet in het Nederlands verkrijgbaar)

De Hoofdindex omvat de volledige indexen van de boeken van Alice A. Bailey.

The Animal Kingdom, A Spiritual Perspective

A thought-provoking compilation of extracts from the books of Alice A. Bailey. It offers an inspiring overview of humanity’s responsibility for the evolution of animals. The Animal Kingdom, A Spiritual Perspective deepens our understanding of the mystery of the animal kingdom because it explains the divine purpose of our association with animals, and the important role humanity has to play in their evolution. This book will be of interest to anyone who is willing to consider a new point of view regarding man’s relationship with animals.

The Seven Rays of Life

As Alice Bailey wrote, a study of the rays will mean that "...we shall have a practical method of analysis whereby we can arrive at a right understanding of ourselves as ensouling entities, and at a wiser comprehension of our fellowmen.We can then deal more intelligently with ourselves, with our children and with our friends and associates.We shall find ourselves able to cooperate more wisely with the Plan as it is seeking expression at any particular time."

The Seventh Ray: Revealer of the New Age

To aid men and women endeavouring to prepare themselves for group service during this transitional era, the Tibetan Master Djwhal Khul suggested the study of all that he had written on the seventh Ray of Ceremonial Order. The Seventh Ray: Revealer of the New Age is a compilation of those statements found throughout the books Djwhal Khul wrote with Alice Bailey.