What Can We Do to Strengthen our Work Together in Triangles?

We’re approaching the culminating period of the lower interlude of the spiritual year. It is a time to pause and connect with the subjective forces that are palpable at this time. This year this period is augmented by the 18 or so hour difference between the winter solstice and the exact time of the Capricorn full moon.  

The group affiliation that comes through participation in the Triangles network comes alive at this time of year.  Another group that is highlighted is, of course, the group of world servers -- a worldwide, subjective grouping of all people who are implementing the Plan for our planet along all the many different lines of endeavor.  

This global group is responsive to the spiritual will.  It is the agent whereby this will energy is stepped down and distributed to those individuals with open hearts and minds who are able to express the energy as goodwill.  Goodwill, knows no boundaries and brooks no obstacles, it is not a religious quality, but religious groups can of course contribute to its outpouring.  It’s helpful to keep in mind that what we are celebrating at this time of year is a living, spiritual event, similar to the Wesak Festival in May.  And in order to fully partake of the opportunities offered, just like at Wesak, preparation is needed.  It is through the medium of groups everywhere, working along all the many lines of activity, that we can pool our spiritual resources and come together at this solstice/full moon opportunity in a great act of invocative appeal.

So now, under the influence of this Sagittarian period we can work with the energies to affect the necessary alignment within consciousness that will enable us to tap into that highest planetary center, the center Shamballa  Within this highest center there are said to be “pools” or “reservoirs” filled with the energy of life itself.  So pure and rarefied is this lighted substance that, if released, it is said it could bring about “a healing of the nations.” Because so many people throughout the world are subjectively alive at this time of year we can count on the needed alignment being possible, as we work together with our group to direct that appeal, which will then enable the hierarchical effort to tap into the very courts of Shamballa.  

One of these pools is said to be related to Light and the other to Love and we can, therefore, see how the Great Invocation, if used effectively, can aid us in affecting the necessary alignment.  We could say the Light is related to the Buddha, who surely draws from this pool of Light; while the Love is related to the World Teacher, the Christ, and also to the Spirit of Peace Who overshadows and works through him; and then the Will aspect of the Invocation relates to the Avatar of Synthesis, but also to the Lord of the World, the great planetary Logos Himself.

It’s interesting to consider again the importance of this time of year because Capricorn is in many respects the sign most closely associated with Humanity, contributing to our potential to focalize our will and thereby stir these pools and stepping down the energies, releasing them as peace and goodwill to all people.

Is there anything we can do to facilitate the release of these healing energies?

The Tibetan gives the following suggestions:

1. Through a close personal watch over every word said or written, so that nothing said or written will have in it hate or bias of the wrong kind and so the mind and heart are kept clear of all undesirable reactions. This is the personal and practical thing to do and the difficult task set before each of you who read my words.

2. By studying and clearly understanding the issues which lie behind the present conflict, so that there is no inner wavering as to the rightness of the side on which your interests lie—the side of the Forces of Light. Parallel this with an understanding appreciation of the problem of those who are bewildered by the emphasis and the dynamic activities of those through whom the Forces of materialism are working. At the same time, also, kill out all hateful criticism in your minds.

3. Endeavour to use the Mantram of Unification every day. It is a modernised and mystically worded version of the one which was used widely in Atlantean days during the period of the ancient conflict of which the present is an effect. For many of you this mantram will be in the nature of a recovery of an old and well-known form of words:

If this mantram is used with the potency of the mind and heart behind its words, it can prove unbelievably potent in the life of the one who says them. The words will produce an effect in his environment, and the accumulated effects in the world, as you spread the knowledge of the formula, will be great and effective. It will change attitudes, enlighten the vision and lead the aspirant to fuller service and to a wider cooperation based upon sacrifice.

4. Apply yourselves to the spreading of the use of the Great Invocation and help to carry forward the plan for distribution. It is a potent solar instrument designed to bring about changes and needed readjustments. It is so powerful that when it was suggested for general use by humanity some opposition was evoked among the members of the Hierarchy because They feared its potent effects upon the unready, and undeveloped people. Its use has, however, been justified and it is desired that its usefulness should be very greatly increased and its use far more widely spread.     The Externalisation of the Hierarchy, pp. 142-143

                                                                                                            Kathy Newburn