Fall 2013 - Energy Follows Thought

  Fall 2013
  As a result of focused thinking ‘in the heart’ the spiritual
eye opens and becomes the directing agent. A.A. Bailey

Dear friend,

The meaning of language – indeed of a single word – is constantly expanding to embrace the growing diversity of human knowledge and experience. The word field for example, has always been able to evoke peaceful images of green pasture land and the familiar sights and sounds of the countryside; but in this scientific age, it may equally lead the imagination into an electromagnetic or quantum field – a world of invisible forces where mysterious sub-atomic particles pop in and out of existence. Two completely different worlds of imagery, qualities and feelings are evoked by the expanded meaning and evocative power of a single word.

While the physicist knows that a more subtle field underlies the illusion of the rustic scene he gazes upon, the esotericist knows that this, in turn, is also an illusion. Underlying both is yet another type of field – one of living qualities. This is the field of the intuition which is accessed through the heart; it is here that a search must be made for what is referred to in The Labours of Hercules as the doe of the intuition – elusive and vanishing at the slightest disturbance from worldly thoughts. To capture the doe is a long and arduous labour of love, but all who search in the silence of the heart may catch the soft echo of distant footsteps, a glimpse of living gold in the depths of the forest night. As the trail is followed with perseverance, the doe reveals itself more frequently until finally it is captured and the hidden realm of the intuition opens up.

Those who have captured the doe and are able to work consciously in the field of the intuition do so through the opened ‘spiritual eye’ which serves as a directing agent under a fundamental occult law: energy follows and conforms itself to thought. With deliberation, thought is constructed to embody specific ideas and qualities in line with the Divine Plan and directed to be of service in the world. Even before this eye is opened it is possible to work with this law through the use of the creative imagination. As we learn to think in the heart we will discover that the insights we have there become magnetic and that this magnetism increases the more we brood upon them and visualise their practical application in the world of human affairs.

Tentative work of this nature is being carried out in the Cycle of Conferences
initiative with a focus placed on specific international conferences. Through the use of the will-to-good, the group seeks to energise the lighted thoughtform which the conference participants are building in their discussions and deliberations. Myriad streams of energy are visualised as being connected to the thoughtform by co-workers around the world; and through the mind’s eye, the lighted heart of the thoughtform is steadily fanned into a flame by the group gaze increasing the power of its radiation.

Another way of serving with the law of “energy follows thought” is through the work of Triangles. In this work, a group of three people link in thought and meditation daily to invoke the energies of light and goodwill and their co-operative visualisation circulates these energies throughout the entire network of triangles surrounding the planet. The use of the Great Invocation is fundamental in directing the energy of thought in this service, for "where the focus is, so will be the anchorage where descending potencies under mantric inspiration are concerned." www.lucistrust.org/triangles

For those of us who participate in these types of service activities, the meaning of the word ‘field’ has expanded to embrace the idea of group consciousness and telepathic relationships; the use of the creative imagination enables this word to embrace a deeper sense of reality. Familiar words often convey deeper meaning in the Ageless Wisdom teachings, and the creative imagination is a great aid in exploring them. As we are reminded in the book, Light on the Path: “There is another way of reading…, not between the lines but within the words. In fact, it is deciphering a profound cipher; it has been used by the great philosophers and poets of all time. It is used systematically by the adepts in life and knowledge, who, seemingly giving out their deepest wisdom, hide in the very words which frame it, its actual mystery.”1

In the works of Alice Bailey, and other pioneering esoteric thinkers, words are arranged in a specific manner to form a geometry of power that resonates in the mind of the reader. Ordinary words can convey a deeper perspective, for behind them lie the living qualities that are seeking entrance into human consciousness. In this context, the meaning of a word such as Peace, for example, is transfigured into a point of wilful tension in the head and heart that swings all the three divine aspects, will, love and intelligence into a simultaneous activity in line with the will of God. At present this may be no more than an interesting concept, but one day the idea lying behind such a word will be as clearly understood and experienced as a field of grass beneath our feet is today.

And so we see the means whereby language can be expanded to embrace not only the growing diversity of human knowledge and experience, but its quality as well. The Ageless Wisdom teachings are written with this in mind and we are asked to think them into the public consciousness. For this reason we have chosen to work with the theme “energy follows thought” in our upcoming World Goodwill Seminars in New York, Geneva and London. We will be exploring how the group direction of thought can flow, so as to powerfully anchor new meaning, qualities and principles in human consciousness, and help to evolve a new language of spirit. In these events, you are warmly invited to participate.

In the light of group vision,


1.Light on the Path, pp 29-30 Mabel Collins