Reflections on The Christ

One thing it is most necessary to have in mind. It is not for us to set the date for the appearing of the Christ or to expect any spectacular aid or curious phenomena. If our work is rightly done, He will come at the set and appointed time. How, where or when He will come is none of our concern. Our work is to do our utmost and on as large a scale as possible to bring about right human relations, for His coming depends upon our work.

Alice Bailey

The whole system of spiritual revelation is based (and has always been based) on this doctrine of interdependence, of a planned and arranged conscious linking and of the transmission of energy from one aspect of divine manifestation to another—from God in the "secret Place of the Most High" to the humblest human being, living and struggling and sorrowing on earth. Everywhere this transmission is to be found; "I am come that they may have life" says the Christ, and the Scriptures of the world are full of the intervention of some Being, originating from some source higher than the strictly human. Always the appropriate mechanism is found through which divinity can reach and communicate with humanity, and it is with this communication and these Instruments of divine energy that the doctrine of Avatars or of divine "Coming Ones" has to do.

Alice Bailey

Since Christ is omega, the universe is physically impregnated to the very core of its matter by the influence of his super-human nature.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

The great moment for which He has so patiently waited has almost arrived; the "end of the age" to which He referred when speaking to His small group of disciples: "Lo! I am with you all the days even unto the end of the age" has come. Today He stands and waits, knowing that the hour has come when He will "see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied."

Alice Bailey

No one can read the Gospels without feeling the actual presence of Jesus. His personality pulsates in every word. No myth is filled with such life. Jesus is too colossal for the pen of phrase-mongers, however artful. No man can dispose of Christianity with a bon mot.

Albert Einstein

To the masses, who could not conceive of anything higher than a Personal God, he said, “Pray to your Father in heaven.” To others, who could grasp a higher idea, he said, “I am the vine and ye are the branches.” But to his disciples, to whom he revealed himself more fully, he proclaimed the highest truth, “I and my Father are one.”


From my youth onwards I have found in Jesus my great brother. That Christianity has regarded and does regard him as God and Savior has always appeared to me a fact of the highest importance which, for his sake and my own, I must endeavor to understand.

Martin Buber

The reason He has not come again is that the needed work has not been done by His followers in all countries. His coming is largely dependent, as we shall later see, upon the establishing of right human relations.

Alice Bailey

The drama of the archetypal life of Christ describes in symbolic images the events in the conscious life – as well as in the life that transcends consciousness – of a man who has been transformed by his higher destiny.

Carl Jung