July 2010

The usual invocative appeal has hitherto been selfish in its nature and temporary in its formulation. Men have prayed for themselves; they have invoked divine help for those they love; they have given a material interpretation to their basic needs. The invocation, lately given to us by the Hierarchy, is a world prayer; it has no personal appeal or temporal invocative urge; it expresses humanity's need and pierces through all the difficulties, doubts and questionings—straight to the Mind and the Heart of the One in Whom we live and move and have our being—the One Who will stay with us until the end of time itself and "until the last weary pilgrim has found his way home."

But the Invocation is not vague or nebulous. It voices the basic needs of mankind today—the need for light and love, for understanding of the divine will and for the end of evil. It says triumphantly: "Let light descend on earth; may Christ return to earth; let purpose guide the little wills of men; let the Plan seal the door where evil dwells." It then sums it all up in the clarion words: "Let light and love and power restore the Plan on Earth." Always the emphasis is laid upon the place of appearance and of manifestation: the Earth.

(The Rays and the Initiation, pp. 758-59)