Reflections on the Great Invocation - September 2018

The Great Invocation relates the will of the Father (or of Shamballa), the love of the Hierarchy, and the service of Humanity into one great Triangle of Energies....
Alice Bailey

... when the cosmic, planetary and human heart centres have been brought into alignment through the realistic use of Light and the radiation of Love, motivated by the Will-to-Good, then the Christ will come and nothing can stop him. Under Law, he will be “pulled through into expression” by the inevitable consequences of the magnetic and radiatory condition within the planet. The physical plane of the fourth, the human kingdom, will then become his immediate field of service.
Mary Bailey

Words of Power, ancient mantrams (such as the Lord's Prayer) and the Great Invocation are only effective if used upon the mental plane and with the power of a controlled mind—focussed on their intent and meaning—behind the spoken effort. They then become potent. When said with the power of the soul as well as with the directed attention of the mind, they automatically become dynamically effective.
Alice Bailey

Concentrate upon the Invocation from the point of view that it embodies the divine intent and summarises the conclusions of the thinking of God. It is the most abstract form of meditation with which you have yet been presented. The meaning of this Invocation has been expressed in terms which are understandable, in a measure, to the average person because of its familiar wording, based on many Scriptural terms. But the true inner implications and significances are of very deep import and are not superficially apparent. I challenge you to penetrate, through meditation, more deeply into the vital meaning of these words, these amazing words. They embody, as far as is possible in modern language, a formula which has been in possession of the Hierarchy ever since it was founded on Earth, but which is only now available for use, owing to the point in evolution reached by humankind. The wonder of these mantric stanzas is that they are comprehensible to members of the human family and to members of the Kingdom of God.
Alice Bailey (adapted)

No one can use this Invocation or prayer for illumination and for love without causing powerful changes in his or her own attitudes and life intention; character and goals will be changed and life altered and made spiritually useful. "As a man thinketh in his heart so is he" is a basic law in nature; the constant turning of the mind to the need for light and the prospect of illumination cannot and will not be ineffectual. Also, as the work of the Triangles grows and the network spreads all over the Earth, the idea of a downpouring of light and goodwill can be looked for; nothing can prevent the appearance of the expected results, for the eternal law holds good.
Alice Bailey (adapted)

Preparation for the reappearance of the Christ, in general, and in particular through the use of the Great Invocation, forms the framework and provides the motivation and incentive for our raison d’être.
Mary Bailey

The power of the Great Invocation is focused in the human kingdom, partly for the benefit of humankind, but much more for the benefit of all the other kingdoms. It is so powerful and cuts so deep that it can make this Earth a “sacred planet” and so a constructive asset in the solar system, which it is not now.
Foster Bailey (adapted)