The Unfolding Revelation of Deity - June 2017

The unfolding revelation of Deity sparks the mind toward increasing understanding and identification with the divine Plan. Known inwardly, the Plan demonstrates outwardly through purposeful human participation. Triangles workers participate every day in this unfolding Plan as they align with the light within each other, and circulate and release the energies of the Great Invocation.

The world of inspiration and the field of service merge in Triangles, as group servers work to propel the Plan onward. At first the Plan may be a vaguely sensed idea, a grasping after a goodness that cannot be contained or properly formulated.  Still the daily work goes on motivated by hope. In triumvirate relationship quiet rituals unfold around the globe, linking love, light and power with focused intention. This unwavering intent gives way to the magnetic desire that awakens aspiration, and soon tendrils of strengthened will take shape.

Speculations are tried in the fires of experiment and experience. Spiritual facts become the foundation for future life. In seeming flashes of revelation, the substance of things hoped for takes shape, and new understandings animate the divine play. A perceived flash is a glimpse of the perennial light at the center where the will of God is known. Small glimpses lead to a sustained view, and revelation is experienced as evidence that the Plan is working out; for light and revelation are cause and effect.

Two streams of energy pour forth from Shamballa, the center where the Will of God is known, to assist the revelation of divinity. One of those streams can be harnessed as “enlightened, enthusiastic will”. Through Triangles this enlightened, enthusiastic will can be directed in service to the greater good as the Great Invocation echoes around the earth, linking triplets of intentional love and light. Days turn to months, years to decades, of careful construction. This steady outpouring of service purifies and clears the path for “the revelation of love; the illumination of the mind; the evocation of the will”.

The will is enabling humanity to take up its destined position as a spiritually invocative powerhouse of love and light on earth. Following revelation upon revelation, new spiritual impressions are seen, heard and demonstrated in ritualized living. The responsive energy, evoked by demand, is freely distributed by intelligent world workers in every corner of this beautiful globe, encouraging life to flourish more abundantly. Even more, this evocation will one day bring forth a great revelation of Deity, beyond our wildest imaginings that will be recognized with great anticipation and joy.