Transcripts of the talks


In Resonance with the Living Earth
Earth Stewardship and the Sustainable Development Goals


Friday 9 November 2018*
Palais des Nations** – Geneva
Room XXI - 15:00-18:00

An afternoon of reflection and discussion on the theme of the role right human relations and good will can play in the challenges, which not only the United Nations but also affiliated NGOs and humanity itself are facing when trying to implement the2030 Agenda or the Sustainable Development Goals. Human activities affect Earth's life support systems so profoundly as to threaten many of the ecological systems that are essential to society’s survival. The goal of Earth Stewardship is not to protect nature from people; rather, it is to protect nature for human welfare. This seminar will focus on the role of goodwill in this challenge.

Earth Stewardship and the SDGs – the fundamental role of Good Will

Mintze van der Velde – director of World GoodWill – Geneva
Earth stewardship and living in resonance with the living earth are closely related. Are we really living in resonance with a living Earth? We will explore the role of the SDGs to accomplish this and especially what Goodwill can contribute thereto.

SDGs: framing a new regenerative narrative

May East – Gaia Education CEO and UNITAR Fellow, Scotland.
Convinced that the SDGs should not be separated from the global community who forged them, Gaia Education, in partnership with UNESCO GAP Secretariat, developed an educational tool – the SDG Flashcards – containing more than 200 questions introducing a whole-systems approach to the Agenda 2030. This highly interactive presentation invites participants to engage in progressive conversations on how the framework provided by the SDGs could support the shift of a prevailing narrative of separation (in which humanity sees itself as separate from and above the rest of nature) to a narrative of co-evolution (where we harmonize human activities with the continuing regeneration of life on our planet, while we continue to develop our potential as humans).

Human values and sustainable development in the world of today


René Longet – President of the Fédération genevoise de coopération, vice-president of SIG, specialist on sustainable development.
Sustainable development is what guarantees and expresses the durability of human values in living together on this Earth. It calls for new balances between North and South, man and nature, today and tomorrow, means and needs, being and having. These new balances concern three levels, our general relationship with our natural environment, human relations, similar but also different, and relations within ourselves, which are far from being balanced....

Is the "2030 Agenda" a game? Why did 30,000 people from corporations, government, education and civil society play the game?


Takeo Inamura, Takeshi Muranaka – Founders of Imacocollabo, a Japanese NGO with a mission to inspire collaborative action to create a sustainable future – Tokyo, Japan

In this talk we will address questions like: Why this "game"? How was it developed? For whom? How does it work? We will present case studies of workshops already given in Japan and world-wide. How can this game contribute to give a wider background of your own SDG initiative etc. see:

*) The Lucis Trust is on the roster of the United Nations with ECOSOC status.

**) Registration through the office of the United Nations is compulsory. To register:

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