
The images we are now going to see are not visible within the window of visible light only. Often they are composite images, with data from X ray, UV, infrared etc.

[Figures: Cat’s Eye - detail & Cat’s Eye]

[Figure 5: Cat’s Eye - detail & Cat’s Eye]

Cat's Eye - Courtesy: NASA/JPL

The Cat’s Eye displays very clearly an enormous activity in the sky, at first difficult to explain within a classical gravitation theory. Structures as we see here have been reproduced in laboratory experiments, of course on a much smaller scale. And they have been produced too with computer simulations based on the laws of classical electrodynamics.

The centre of the Cat’s Eye gives a fascinating picture of activity which strongly points to electric behaviour. Please note the cellular structures.

[Figure 6: Ant Nebula]

[Figure 6: Ant Nebula]

The Ant nebula again shows interactions difficult to explain by traditional gravitation, yet fitting very well within an electrical explanation.

Here we witness the explosion of a star, supposed to be rather similar to our Sun.

[Figure 7: Explosion of a Sun-like star]

[Figure 7: Explosion of a Sun-like star]

This “all seeing eye”corresponds with the Helix nebula – a fascinating constellation.

[Figure 8: Helix Nebula – “All seeing eye”]

[Figure 8: Helix Nebula – “All seeing eye”]

A last beautiful display of electrical activity: the Orion nebula. Please note the enormous activity of all kinds in this image and the filaments connecting all parts of the constellation.

[Figure 9: Orion Nebula]

[Figure 9: Orion Nebula]

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