Truth in the Daily Life

November 17, 2017

The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on November 13, 2017:

The theme of the upcoming World Goodwill seminar is “From the Unreal to the Real: Discernment -- Cutting through the Glamour of the Times.” Together we will discuss how through the use of discrimination and discernment, we can move towards a greater understanding and realization of truth in our daily lives.  The use of the word glamour as defined by the Ageless Wisdom refers to a distorted condition within consciousness, a type of fog, that results in an inability to see life and surrounding conditions as they truly are.  Instead all things are seen distorted and misshapen.  In such a state it is easy to be deceived by appearances, and to forget that which the appearance veils. And then, as Foster Bailey used to say, we all see each other through the back half of our own aura.  Occasional progress in freeing oneself from this condition can be made, but it is easy to slip back into the old patterns. Today the situation is compounded by the fact that these individual glamours are being intensified by the overall potency of the collective glamour surrounding humanity as a whole at this time of the ending of the age.


The Power of Goodwill

November 12, 2017

The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on November 6, 2017:

It’s said that humanity has “the habit of crisis”. Throughout its long journey, spanning endless cycles, the human family has progressed from primitive beginnings, little removed from its animal roots, to a relatively advanced civilisation and culture in which the realm of the mind and of ideas are forging a new enlightened era. Nonetheless, crisis shadows humanity.


The Rhythm of Life

November 3, 2017

The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on October 30, 2017:

Through our studies of ancient scriptures we read of distant times when people lived simpler and more harmonious lives, in touch with the currents of the natural world and as a consequence, recognized themselves as part of something much greater. They synchronized their breath within the all-encompassing breath of God and life was lived more as a collective experience.  Myths and legends gave deeper meaning to the seemingly ordinary events of the day and taught lessons that served to deepen the connection with spirit.  

This connection with the underlying current of life is not generally supported by contemporary culture.  The busyness and over-extension which characterizes most people’s lives today often leaves little time or the requisite consciousness to deal with much beyond the daily demands and the continual distractions.  Much of the present world view is defined by a rather concrete minded scientific perspective on reality which denies the subjective reality.  So while science has contributed much to the improvement of our lives and the expansion of our understanding, it has also been responsible for the narrowing of our vision, causing us to lose much that previously had given meaning to our lives.  Without a sense of connection with life’s larger rhythms, we separate off and seek artificial means of generating that connection, substituting the unreal for the Real. 
