Greek co-workers celebration

Throughout the whole year 2012 there has been a steady focusing with weekly group meditation, holding and supporting Full and New Moon meditation meetings, participating at the global Initiative 2012 through webinars or other type of sessions but more with subjective work, cooperation and inter-connectedness, but also by experimenting with several ways of bringing the meaning and the information about this particular work and week into the group and public awareness. A signpost has been the Cancer full moon at the center/core of the annual cycle representing a sort of lower interlude related to the Capricornian gate, six months later – just like the respective year 2012 marks the focal point within the period extending from 2000 to 2025. Then it was the August Festival bringing to surface the relation of Leo and Unicorn/Capricorn and later the Libra Festival during which the precipitation of impressions started and the participation of the Greek group was about to take shape and form. Not to forget in this context that Venus which at the Gemini FM transited across our sun is Libras exoteric ruler and Capricorn’s hierarchical ruler, bringing these two signs closer and bridging effectively the intermediary time period.

The initial impressions for the Festival Week’s celebrations didn’t focus on a strict pre-structured schedule but were about letting free space for interested individuals and groups to suggest, undertake and finally contribute with their part of work to the event. The meeting should possibly reflect the ‘wave-particle’ nature of the new group of world servers and achieve somehow to get self-organized! So the basic lines were drawn towards a far greater inclusiveness and recognition of individual and group endeavor. The idea was to set up a webpage as a sort of impersonal focal point and at the same time to collect and gradually release in the web every sort of associated information, references, excerpts, mantrams and videos. Emphasis was given on the material to be translated and instantly released both in Greek and English language in order to foster a reciprocal group communication and connectedness. Then we worked – literally a handful of people – accomplishing every one of us his part rather naturally and with the flow of the coming energies with the less possible talking, meetings, arrangements and other time-consuming activities; alone-together (or al(l)-one) is maybe the best available description.

The meeting was held on the 27th of December (from 17:00 to 21:00) in a central and well known lecture hall of Athens (in the midst of a bookstores’ gallery) equipped with hi tech facilities. The above date was chosen because of the coincidence of the Capricorn Full Moon Festival within the Festival Week, stressed by the Greek nation’s personality in the same sign. All the speakers did their best adding with their contributions their note to the group composition on the theme of the NGWS, whereas music and sound but also the necessary breaks/intervals for sharing food and for socialization played an important role. And this despite the fact that people were arriving little by little – a working day - and certain part of the program couldn’t be actualized. The event closed/culminated with the Full Moon meditation and the keynote of Capricorn giving the impression of a convergence of the several currents to a greater and vibrant energy stream of life and love.

Worth saying that the end effect and outcome proved to be beyond our expectations and we witnessed the emergence of an atmosphere in the spirit of cooperation, reconciliation and good will so much needed in the world today and of course in Greece; a real sharing of the Plan’s visible particle implying a new, wider and all encompassing perspective. Even somehow faint the note of the Greek group sounded clearly as attuned with the dynamically arising tone of the NGWS and of the many groups and individuals meditating around the world.