Italian tour September 2018

Lucis Trust/Arcane School – We invite you to join us in this meeting of meditation, reflections, talks and group work

Carving the path to unity:
The art of a nation

Saturday 29th September 2018
from 13.30 to 17.00
Hotel Madison
Via Privata Leopoldo Gasparotto, 8
20124 - Milan
Sunday 30th September 2018
from 13.30 to 17.00
Hotel dei Congressi
Viale Shakespare, 29
00144 - Rome


Never has there been such a great need to understand the changes in consciousness that occur everywhere among people. As the soul of the world sheds light on humanity, its light reveals the path to travel towards unity. The work of the Lucis Trust and the Arcane School is aimed at supporting the transformation of consciousness, so that this unity will take place: between the soul and the personality, between the soul of the world and humanity.

Entrance free
(for logistical reasons, please register before attending)

For more information, registration, or to request advertising material

please write an e-mail to:
[email protected]

13:30 Carving the path to unity: The art of a nation

Christine Morgan
President of the Lucis Trust

Group Meditation

The importance of an Esoteric School in times of crisis
Fabio Gatti & Elvira Pisaturo

Presentation of Alice Bailey’s books in the Italian edition
Maurizio Di Gregorio – Editor
Il Libraio delle Stelle
14:50 Break, coffee
15:10 Mantram of the New Group of World Servers

From Intellect to Intuition – a bridge in consciousness
Cecilia Di Domenico – Milan
Vincenzo Cantara – Rome

Discussions in small groups

17:00 Close of the Conference