Three Major Spiritual Festivals

Spiritual Festivals


Join with others in creating a living conduit of light and goodwill
on earth, anchoring and directing these energies
into hearts and minds.

Easter – April 4th
Wesak – May 3rd
Goodwill – June 2nd

Read this 14-page introductory booklet about the festivals
PDF with UK meeting dates | PDF with US meeting dates

Three Spiritual Festivals

The flow of spiritual energies reaches a peak during the full moon period. At these times we can – particularly as a group – touch spiritual realities and energies that are normally not so easily available. Our path of approach to the higher worlds then becomes a lighted channel through which these energies can be anchored on earth and radiated through the minds and hearts of all humanity.

The goal is to stimulate vision and support the growing awareness of the unity of all life and our responsibilities towards it.

The annual cycle of full moons reaches its high point in the triple sequence of the Easter Festival, the Wesak Festival, and the Festival of Goodwill. The Easter and Wesak festivals celebrate the lives and inspiration of two of the greatest spiritual leaders and avatars – the Christ and the Buddha.

Easter is the festival of the risen living Christ, the expression of the love of God. It is determined by the date of the full moon of Aries and is the great Western and Christian Festival.

Wesak, the Festival of the Buddha, is the great Eastern celebration. It is observed at the Taurus full moon. The Buddha is the expression of the wisdom of God, the embodiment of light and “the indicator of divine purpose”. Esoteric tradition speaks of an annual ceremony in the Himalayas, where the Buddha appears before the Christ and the Hierarchy.

The Festival of Humanity, celebrating humanity’s innate goodwill, takes place over the full moon of Gemini. This is the festival of our basic aspiration towards human and spiritual unity. It gives voice to a deep invocative appeal to the spiritual Hierarchy for light, love and the will-to-good. This Festival is also observed as World Invocation Day, when a special focus is placed upon the world-wide use of the Great Invocation.

More Information About the Three Spiritual Festivals

The Three Spiritual Festivals 2015

Read this 14-page introductory booklet about the festivals:

PDF with UK meeting dates

PDF with US meeting dates

Wesak Festival

An introduction to the Wesak Festival with a full list of all the resources about Wesak on this site. Read More

The Festival of Humanity or Christ’s Festival - Read more

Celebrate and Spread Awareness – Practical Suggestions

How can you and your group take part in the three festivals – a list of ways to help. Read more

World Invocation Day

A Day for Universal Prayer, Invocation and Meditation - Find out more


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