The Christ, the Lord of Love

The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Meeting on August 7, 2017:

Two thousand years ago, the Christ revealed that ‘God is love’. This was probably one of the profoundest truths ever given out to the world and has enriched human experience immeasurably. Even today, we struggle to grasp the full implications of this eternal truth. Love, it is said, “brings all earthly karma to an end. Love induces that radiation which invokes and evokes not only the heart of God but the heart of humanity also. Love is the cause of all creation and the sustaining factor in all living”. (Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. 11, p. 541) Nonetheless, in the Aquarian dispensation, the Christ’s work will be to relate humanity to that “higher centre where the Father is contacted, where recognition of sonship is accorded and where the divine Purpose can be known.” This will ultimately lead humanity into an era undreamt of today, of which the present is but a pale and inadequate reflection.

In Triangles we are working through the power of thought to awaken the thought life of humanity to the new inspirations, values and principles. As light and goodwill permeate ceaselessly throughout the planetary etheric, minds and hearts are awakening and resonating to a higher rhythm. In this increasingly spiritually charged atmosphere the new ‘seeds of hope’ can begin to flourish and take root in the affairs of humanity, and bring about those conditions in which the Christ can fulfil His high calling, and once again walk openly on Earth.

There are a growing number of people of goodwill in the world today who recognise that the return of a World Teacher, of a divine Life, of the Christ, Who represents and works for and on behalf of all humanity, regardless of religion, race, and colour, is imminent. In the sacred Hindu scriptures, the Bhagavad Gita, we are reminded that: “Whenever there is a withering of the law… and an uprising of lawlessness on all sides, then I manifest Myself. For the salvation of the righteous and the destruction of such as do evil; for the firm establishing of the law I come to birth in age after age”. And there have been a number of great Avatars who have appeared in the long journey of humanity into greater light and understanding.

The proximity of two great planetary cycles – the Piscean and the Aquarian, provide the Christ with a unique opportunity to complete His supreme work, which He commenced well over 3000 years ago in India as Sri Krishna, and in an earlier incarnation, of which little is known, and which was continued 2000 years ago in Palestine during the transition between the Aries and Piscean dispensations. Nonetheless, even though not physically present or visible, amongst the human family, during the vast periods of His withdrawal from outer plane activity, the Christ has never left and has worked with the Good Law, with the great tides and cycles of life, and with individuals and groups on inner levels, to draw humanity closer to the Father. We may recollect the following words in the New Testament: “For when two or three gather in my name, then am I with them”. And, these words, no doubt, have a deep resonance in our Triangles work, as we visualise the Christ, the World Teacher, as the transcendent point of synthesis at the heart of each triangle. As we sound the Great Invocation, which has been described as the Christ’s own mantram, let us be mindful that “its ‘sound has gone forth’ to the entire world through the medium of His enunciation of it and through its use by the Hierarchy. Now its words must go out throughout the entire world by means of its enunciation by men everywhere, and its meaning must be expressed by the masses in due time. Then Christ can again ‘return to Earth’ and ‘see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied’". (Discipleship in the New Age, Vol. 11, p.173)

Few would doubt that these are difficult and testing times for the human family. Crises abound, but out of this ‘burning ground’ will hopefully rise a wiser, more inclusive and compassionate humanity, making good the mistakes of the past, and confronting those in the present. This is far from impossible, if we draw on the resources, wisdom and countenance of the soul, the world soul, to intuit, to recognise, and to bring through into physical anchorage, those new models of thinking based upon the ‘good of the whole’, of the indivisibility and interdependence of all life, of social justice and cohesion, and of freedom. These ‘seeds of hope’, as they have been termed, provide the means, to paraphrase the words of that great disciple of the twentieth century, Winston Churchill, during the darkest days of the Second world war, so that “the life of the world may move forward into broad, sunlit uplands”. Perhaps, we can imagine a world in which the human family is more at peace with itself, wiser in its relations with nation states, so that it sees a more complete whole, a community of nations, a united nations, bound and inextricably linked together, each playing its part for the greater good, whilst each maintaining its own individuality and distinct spiritual note. And, at the centre of these images, stands the Christ, the Lord of Love, Whose profound influence will at some point embody “the Desire of all Nations”.

So, as we move forward, in this world of paradoxes and contradictions, of seeming dualities - of hope and despair, of light and darkness, of truth and falsehood, of love and separation, of intuitive understanding and concrete knowledge, and of freedom and imprisonment, the human spirit will eventually rise to each and every challenge, and like Arjuna, the robed charioteer in Hindu philosophy, will one day be able to voice to Krishna, the God in all: “By thy grace I remember my Light, and now gone is my delusion. My doubts are no more, my faith is firm; and now I can say ‘Thy Will be done’”.