Newsletter 2021 #3 - Re-weaving the Fabric of Society

In its early stages, the pandemic revitalised a sense of community spirit and support, with local initiatives to help the more vulnerable springing up, and the celebration of the everyday courage and sacrifice of essential workers. However, as it has progressed, there are signs of a waning of this impulse, with people and nations retreating into a desire for ‘normality’ to be restored. ‘Business as usual’ contends with ‘Build back better’. So now is a good time to re-focus on some of the many groups and initiatives that are actively seeking to regenerate society, so that all groups of people, and all the kingdoms of nature, are in harmonious co-existence.

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Newsletter 2021#2 - Education: Unveiling the Light of the Soul

In the twenty-first century, people have unprecedented access to knowledge. The creation or transmission or application of knowledge is increasingly how many people earn their living. But there is also justifiable concern that artificial intelligence will soon supersede many of these roles. And paradoxically, in spite of the focus on knowledge, doubt seems more prominent than ever.

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Newsletter 2021 #1 - The Spiritual Dynamics of Crisis on the Path to Global Cooperation

On November 14 2020, World Goodwill convened our annual seminar, which this year, because of the pandemic, took place online. The theme, given in the title above, resonated strongly with this unprecedented situation, as the need for global cooperation has never been more evident. Yet humanity still has some way to go before global cooperation is a fully established norm. The twentieth century saw major steps forward, not least the birth of the UN, which celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2020. We must hope that, with the growth of Aquarian group consciousness in the twenty-first century, the promise of the UN can be fulfilled. To get there, there is much work to be done, and our presenters set forth a number of ideas for how servers around the world can do so, or are already doing so.

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Newsletter 2020 #2: Problems of Humanity - Solutions for the World pt2


In the second part of our reflections on the major problems facing humanity, the focus is on the issues of International Unity; Capital, Labour and Employment; and Minorities. All of these problems have been intensified by the extraordinary global conditions created by the pandemic. Nations have struggled to coordinate their response with one another, even within supranational groupings like the European Union; the world of work has seen a major shift towards home work in some fields, while other industries have been almost completely shut down; and the issue of migration, already so inflamed, has become even more controversial in a world of closed borders. 

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Newsletter 2020 #1: Problems of Humanity - Solutions for the World


The attention of the world is gripped by the Coronavirus pandemic. As it has intensified, it has shone a light on a number of critical issues that humanity must solve if we are to build a future that works for all, such as finding a healthy balance between the needs of people and the flow of capital in the economy. A central purpose of World Goodwill is to reveal the underlying causes of global problems, inspiring humanity to build enlightened solutions.

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Newsletter 2019 #3 - Weaving the Network of Aquarian Service


As we continue the difficult transition from the Piscean astrological epoch into the vivifying energies of Aquarius, a multitude of fresh visions arise. Countless individuals and groups are exploring how we may live together in re-imagined networks of cooperation and sharing, transcending old barriers and borders.

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Newsletter 2019 #2 - The Dignity of Labour


The process of spiritual evolution is sometimes described as “One Work”: forms and techniques and interpretations may differ, but the inner purpose is one. It is interesting that it is spoken of as “Work” – and the Agni Yoga teachings often discuss the central importance and the joy of labour. The key point is that this should not be for oneself alone, but for the Common Good.

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Newsletter 2019 #1 - In Resonance with the Living Earth

In 2018, the World Goodwill Seminars in London, Geneva and New York focused on the theme In Resonance with the Living Earth. Over two days, speakers from diverse backgrounds shared their experiences and insights on how humanity can bring itself more into resonant harmony with the other kingdoms of nature, both spiritual and material. The positive significance of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), as practical guidelines for humanity to become a more responsible steward of the animal and plant life and the minerals of the planet, received special attention at the meeting held in UN Headquarters in Geneva.

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Newsletter 2018 #3 - Poles Apart, Poles Together

Polarization is everywhere, it seems, at the moment. Many seem increasingly attracted to the extremes of debate, leaving little space for voices of compromise. Does this mean we are headed for times of open conflict? Or is there a way to remember our shared humanity, and make it the key factor in framing public conversations?

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Newsletter 2018 #2 - From the Unreal to the Real: Part 2 Philosophy, Science and Art

Following on from issue 2018 #1, we are continuing to explore the nature of truth as it is revealed in many areas of human life. This was the theme of the 2017 World Goodwill seminars in London, Geneva and New York. The focus in this issue shifts from truth in the media towards truth in science, philosophy and art, with the theme of education continuing to underpin many observations. 

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Newsletter 2018 #1 - From the Unreal to the Real: Part 1 Journalism, Media and Education

The 2017 seminars in London, Geneva and New York explored the theme: From the Unreal to the Real. The meetings contained some deep reflections on the nature and importance of truth, in four main areas: journalism/media; education; science; and art.

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Newsletter 2017 #2 - Leadership: Energising the Magnetic Seed of the Future

The world is crying out for leadership in these turbulent and uncertain times. In politics, in business, in religion, those who would lead face complex global problems demanding cooperation across ideological, economic and cultural divides. Short-term thinking and old methods no longer suffice. New ways of seeing, and compelling visions of the future are needed. 

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Newsletter 2017 #1 - From Intellect to Intuition

Current world events suggest that the life of humanity has reached a major crisis point. The intensity of political turmoil in America and Europe, the protracted and brutal conflicts in the Middle East, in parts of Africa and elsewhere, the danger of further financial collapse, the looming long-term threats associated with climate change – all these are causing many people of goodwill to experience confusion, and even despair. It might seem that the illusion of separateness has taken hold again with a vengeance and that all the hard-won gains of the past decades concerning development, human rights, the building of good international relationships, establishing a wise environmental stewardship are being compromised, lost even.

Yet to accurately assess the world situation it is vital to adopt a detached point of view and see things in the context of a longer time frame. The study of human evolution shows that cycles of crisis, tension and emergence govern societies – large and small – and through periods of crisis and tension, adjustments are made, consciousness evolves and goodwill emerges into greater expression.

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Newsletter 2016 #2 - Agents of the Future

All who love and serve their fellow humans are agents of a spiritual future – one where the human spirit is evolving towards ever greater cooperation, sharing and unity.

In every interaction, these servers ask one simple question of themselves – how can I bring this future closer? When asked sincerely, and motivated by pure goodwill, it can impact any and every situation. Every moment, every event, every conversation becomes meaningful and significant. The magnetic power of the future is drawn into the present, and service of all kinds is energised. The future depends on the willingness of more and more people to recognise their responsibility for creating it, and to commit themselves to asking this question. They then become agents of the future, and accelerate its birth.

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Newsletter 2016 #1 - Energy and Freedom

Energy is that mysterious factor that sets all created forms in patterns of motion. In Einstein’s famous E= m c squared  its direct connection with matter is shown – we can say that matter is ‘frozen’ energy, energy which has been interwoven into a relatively static condition. The various states of matter reveal an increasing tendency to respond to and embody energy – from the motionless solid, through mobile liquids and gases, to the complex patterns of motion found in plasma. According to mainstream science, physical energy cannot be created or destroyed, which is what supposedly prevents the existence of perpetual motion machines. But it remains an open question whether this perspective, which remains largely fixed on the physical levels of existence, is inherently blind to the true source and origin of energy and motion.

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Newsletter 2015 #3 - Rebuilding the Shrine of Human Living

In 2015, the topic of the World Goodwill Seminar in Geneva, New York and London was Rebuilding the Shrine of Human Living. The breadth of the topic allowed the invited presenters to explore it from many angles, and a number of unifying themes could be sensed across all three meetings: the central importance of intelligent love; the need for people of goodwill to work in groups or communities; the necessity for sharing of all resources; the concrete working out of this principle of sharing in international agreements such as those governing climate change; the education and support of youth as vital; and the need to find ways to creatively transform conflicts.

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Newsletter 2015 #2 - Manifesting the Vision of the One Humanity

As we look at the world scene today, it is becoming more and more obvious that major changes are needed. The relationships between citizens and the state; between worshippers and priesthood; between workers and management: all are in urgent need of re-vision. If they are to stay relevant, institutions of all kinds need to draw fresh inspiration from the ideals which first brought them into being. They need to learn to transfigure life in terms of accomplishment.

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Newsletter 2015 #1 - Towards an Age of Light part 2

A newsletter giving impressions from the World Goodwill Seminar on the theme "Towards an Age of Light"

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Newsletter 2014 #2 - Towards an Age of Light part 1

In the first decade of the 19th century, the first electric light flickered into life in the laboratory of Sir Humphrey Davy. Could he and his collaborators have envisaged, over 200 years later, the brilliantly lit night-time cityscapes of the present? Did they know that their efforts would have such a profound global effect? For today, the operation of society is virtually unthinkable without the ubiquitous presence of all the technologies that have grown out of that simple experiment. Solar-powered lights illumine homes far beyond the reach of the grid, while in the heart of great cities, glowing screens power business and entertainment around the clock, fed by the laser backbone of the Internet.

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Newsletter 2009 #4 - The Heavens


In this issue, we look at the beneficent cycles of the atmosphere, and the human interventions in these cycles that need re-balancing. We also reflect on the electrical nature of the cosmos, and consider its spiritual implications, including the key importance of meditative thought and its possible influence on both the mental and physical climate. Finally, we tak a brief look at the World Goodwill meditation initiative, the Cycle of Conferences.

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Newsletter 1962 #2 - World Union - Goodwill

Modern man is increasingly intrigued by the problem and the nature of time. In this article the author suggests not only that modern relativity theory bridges between such metaphysical concepts as "the eternal now' and ·time as we know and measure it in the everyday world, but also that according to this theory ultimate reality would seem to be a "play of consciousness" rather than a material structure. In part I the scientific background is reviewed briefly and the philosophical implications of relativity theory are discussed in part II.

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Newsletter 1961 #3 - Focus on Synthesis

One of the dramatic developments of the first half of the twentieth century has been the emergence of public opinon as a major force in national and world affairs. It finds means of expression in all but the most primitive social systems and no modern leader can afford to ignore its power. The sanction of public opinion or sentiment, either explicit or implicit, is essential to the long-term success of policy and action in virtually every field of human activity.

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