Transcripts of the talks


World Good Will Seminar 2018
In Resonance with the Living Earth

Friday 9 – Saturday 10 November 2018

Program Saturday 10 November 
at Cercle d’Orientation Cayla*, Geneva
10:00-12:00 and 

A day of talks, discussions and meditations – simultaneously in London, New York and Geneva –
on the theme of In Resonance with the Living Earth.
The vision that the Earth is a living organism has well found its roots in modern thinking – not only in
science but more in general too. This Seminar explores the theme of being In Resonance with the
Living Earth from various perspectives. Are we living in harmony with our environment, with ourselves, with
our communities? What are the deeper meanings of being in resonance with the living Earth?

The afternoon will be dedicated to group discussions focussing on
the sustainable development goals in the context of a living earth.

Fostering Right Human Relations: A Prerequisite for a Healthy Living Earth

Vincent Claessens –World Goodwill – Geneva Given the growing economic inequalities, we are not all equal in the face of the consequences of current day stewardship of the Earth; Hence the urgent need to establish right human relations so that equality and brotherhood become a standard of our daily reality.

In Resonance with the Living Earth –
Past, Present but... what about the Future?

Vita de Waal –founder and director of the Foundation ƒor GAIA and the NGO Alliance on Global Concerns; chairs two NGO Forums working with UN programmes and is on the Board of an ICOMOS International Scientific Committee on Places of Religion and Ritual.
Humanity has lived in harmony with the Earth since most of its existence. Economic historians are in agreement that the onset of the Industrial Revolution is the most important event in the history of humanity since the domestication of animals and plants. With emphasis on production and profit, a competitive race synonymous with power, innovation and the control of natural resources ensued which is still ongoing, the recent trade wars and accusations of technology thefts confirming this.  If humanity is to survive into the future then there is urgency for us as a race to consciously reconnect with our own imprinting, which is a biological one, in order to further our evolution which includes other dimensions .

A New Ethical Culture - Values and Alternative Projects for a Finite Planet



María Crehuet Wennberg – Responsable de Políticas Energéticas de l'Associació de Micropobles de Catalunya y vicepresidenta de CMES (Colectivo para un Modelo Energético y Social Sostenible).
We are witnessing a world in crisis and change, entering inevitably into a new type of consciousness. In the near future the knowledge society will make its way into a society of a new ethical culture, a place where we can all carry the seed of generosity, the only engine capable of positively transforming everything we know.

In Resonance with the Living Earth

Workshop in the form of discussions in groups

*) The “Cercle d’Orientation Cayla,” Chemin William Lescaze 8, 1203 Geneva is not responsible for the organisation of this seminar.

For the Friday's program please : click here

Registration - Geneva

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