Spiritual Hierarchy

Throughout time, the idea of a group of wise and enlightened beings working behind the scenes to guide our planet has been conveyed in spiritual teachings, in literature and myth. The group has been known by many names, including the spiritual Hierarchy, the Masters of the Wisdom, the Elder Brothers , the rishis of India, and the Communion of Saints. During times of crisis in human affairs great teachers have emerged from the Hierarchy into the world of time and space. These have included Socrates, Shri Krishna, Mohammed, the Buddha and the Christ.

The Spiritual Hierarchy can be understood as reservoirs of lighted, loving energy on the inner side of life – a presence in the higher reaches of consciousness. They are the substance of what is often referred to as the Kingdom of God. Mystics and seekers of every faith have always known this. It is these energies and these Beings that shape the evolving sense of purpose and direction in human affairs, and that are awakening us now as a species to a new understanding of oneness.

As we move through this difficult transition period our future stands in the balance. It is up to humanity to accept responsibility for instituting the necessary changes so that we will begin to realise our higher spiritual possibilities. The way will then be cleared for these great teachers to return to outer physical plane activity. It is important, therefore, that more people know about the fact of the Hierarchy and about what sort of individuals the Masters of the Wisdom really are.

La Gerarchia di Luce

Nel corso delle età, l'idea di un gruppo di esseri illuminati e colmi di saggezza operante nell'ombra per guidare il nostro pianeta ci è stata trasmessa negli insegnamenti spirituali, nella letteratura e nei miti.

Per Saperne di Più

Work of the Hierarchy

The outstanding and dramatic feature of hierarchical action in the present era is the preparation now under way in the Hierarchy for its return to outer plane activity. It is important, therefore, that more people know about the fact of the Hierarchy and about what sort of men the Masters of the Wisdom really are.

Per Saperne di Più

The Spiritual Hierarchy

Wisdom teachings throughout the ages affirm the fact of an intelligent spiritual direction, a chain of being, underlying the evolution of consciousness. The name given to that guiding purpose varies in different traditions. Some refer to it as the spiritual Hierarchy of the planet, or the great White Lodge.

Per Saperne di Più

The Work of the Spiritual Hierarchy of the Planet

The outstanding and dramatic feature of hierarchical action in the present era is the preparation now under way in the Hierarchy for its return to outer plane activity. It is important, therefore, that more people know about the fact of the Hierarchy and about what sort of people the Masters of the Wisdom really are.

Per Saperne di Più

Il Cristo

Indice di articoli e risorse su Cristo

Per Saperne di Più

Shamballa, Hierarchy, and Humanity

A collection of quotations on the synthesis between Shamballa, Hierarchy and Humanity, the three planetary centres identified in the Alice Bailey writings. Prepared by a student, the quotations are drawn from eight of the 24 books published by Alice Bailey.

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