People of goodwill, and particularly Arcane School students, may be interested to know of the following service initiatives we have recently learned of:

A co-worker of the Compassion Response Network sends word of the work being done with a group of HIV/AIDS sufferers in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Initially, the intention had been to engage in trials of alternative treatments for HIV/AIDS. However, the co-workers of the Compassion Response Network were surprised to find that the small group of HIV/AIDS patients decided themselves that they wished to serve others in the same position, by helping to found a People’s Movement of Africa. A gathering of around 50 HIV/AIDS sufferers was then convened, at which it was noted that there was a need to find income-generating activities to provide for the future food needs of those present. It was resolved by the group that the best way to make this happen would be through the establishment of a community fund for micro-credit loans funding vegetable growing. With the help of the Compassion Response Network, this project was initiated, and within around six months, the fund had enabled five vegetable growing sites and several fresh food selling jobs to manifest. And because the group of 50 were being approached by others living with HIV, it was decided to convene a further meeting to “develop projects that provide income for a further 50 people living with HIV” and to “develop a constitution as a first step in establishing a charitable organisation to serve people living with HIV.” This meeting took place on June 1st, World Invocation Day 2007, and 84 additional people attended. The need for launching a People’s Movement was re-affirmed, and the following Vision Statement agreed:

“To organise a solidarity with people living with HIV, and to help develop a People’s Movement of Africa so as to provide a charitable organisation through which the people living with HIV can come together, share and decide their most important needs, and develop and manifest projects to respond to their needs.”

For further information, please contact David Keane, Secretary, Compassion Response Network, PO Box 582, Gosnells, WA 6110, Australia; Email: keane at

The Humanitarian and Enviromental Protection Foundation (HEP Foundation) is a non-profit humanitarian organisation established in February 2007 by a student of the Arcane School as part of his discipleship service. With its headquarters at Techiman in Ghana, the objective of the organisation is to give ''relief to distressed humanity'' in all fields of human endeavour. The organisation believes in the principle of sharing as the basis of right human relations and the theme of the civilization of the new age.

HEP Foundation has been certified by the government of Ghana to render humanitarian services in the country specifically in the promotion of health care, education, poverty alleviation, the rights of women and children, enviromental protection and sanitation. The organisation has also established an ''Emergency Disaster Response Fund (EDRF)to enable us to respond swiftly to natural disasters.

HEP Foundation employs the following methods to implement its projects: education, advocacy, financing, skills training/capacity building and donations. The work of the organisation is funded solely by voluntary donations from men and women of goodwill all over the world.

For further information, please contact: The HEP Foundation, PO Box TM 648, Techiman. BA. Ghana. Email: dok4673 at Phone: +233-275-383367

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