Aquarian Age Community, Lorain USA

Aquarian Age Community
Ida Urso, Ph.D., President
Lorain, OH, U.S.A.
Email address: [email protected]


  • The Festival Week will be featured in the Capricorn UN monthly e-newsletter, which will be disseminated to an international network on December 20th and available through the home page of our website ( under "Monthly Newsletter."
  • A Meditation Meeting will be held within the United Nations Meditation Room ("Room of Quiet") on Thursday, December 27th. Many co-workers from around the world will join by using the meditation outline, "The Spiritual Work of the United Nations and the Liberation of Humanity." Further information about this meditation initiative can be found on line at the following web address:
  • In cooperation with the 2012 Initiative, which focuses on invoking "inspiration and clarity in regards to specific topics concerning the urgent need of humanity over the next seven year cycle", we participated in a webinar which is available within the archived programs on the group's website