A talk given by a co-worker at a Triangles Webinar in July 2017 on the African Goodwill Network

Good afternoon and good evening to the participants across the world in this Triangles Webinar. I have been asked to talk about the African Goodwill Network (AGN) about the work we do in Africa. I am talking for all of us involved in this outreach as we are all souls serving through light and love and goodwill to further right human relations and peace.

Under the African Goodwill Network umbrella we have two main activities. Neither of these two is more important than the other. They are the African Goodwill Network Meditation Group via Skype, also called the Skype Group organised and run by our colleagues in Nigeria, and the African Goodwill Network website run by myself from South Africa.

The AGN Meditation Skype Group

This group activity is organised from Nigeria and they meet a day or two before the monthly full moon festival of each month. The group consists of dedicated men and women who are involved in their own chosen life task. Some are retired from their professions and have time to dedicate to building right human relations and the spread of goodwill. Many are regular attendees of the Lucis Trust London and New York seminars and programmes. We are notified of the date of the meeting and the theme according to the particular full moon festival. Several full moon talks are given to study; these readings cover talks given in New York and London.

Within the Skype Group a host of Triangles exist amongst fellow members. These Triangles are not necessarily from Nigeria only, but include Skype members from South Africa and further abroad such as England and the US.

We have a problem with the poor quality of internet services in Africa and it takes patience and persistence to get connected. Therefore, we do the full moon meditation first and then the discussion based on our ‘homework’ follows. When the sound system collapses we switch to the ‘red pen’ discussion! We ask our co-workers who cannot connect to the internet to join subjectively.

The Skype group is growing as more young students from Africa who are studying through the Arcane School, are requesting to join the group as a service activity.

The African Goodwill Network Website

Through the website we wanted to keep in touch with the other countries in Africa where full moon meditation groups occurred, and include only people living here as members of this group. However, our thoughts changed about this, as we were approached by many people who had their roots in Africa through their ancestral connection to the slave trade, and wanted to participate in the AGN. There were also many African citizens whose ancestors were colonists or refugees. The decision was then to open out membership to the world and to all nations. It was a good decision, as any traces of separateness do not belong to the high ideals of this network.

Through the website we put our emphasis on the Great Invocation and featured it in all the African languages into which it had been translated. The translations were received from the Lucis Trust Goodwill Group. We added French, English, Portuguese and Afrikaans to these as in many parts of Africa these languages were part of their colonial heritage. This is still ongoing as new versions will appear as the light and love break through to humankind.

We work with lighted loving lines which we project from ourselves to others, to our fellow Africans and indeed to the world. We build bridges of light across borders, religious borders, and cultural borders and as a networking group we support each other with loving light. We do not direct people in this service activity or in what they have chosen as their own service to humankind, but we give our support (not material) in what they do. By joining us they have joined a worldwide group who works in small or big ways to serve humanity. We “strengthen their hands in service”.

We encourage the use of the Great Invocation to be used when they have connected their lines of lighted love and goodwill, but also suggest that they could use any prayer or beautiful blessing that has deep meaning to them. This seems very simple but it is a powerful means of spreading peace. We emphasize though that one of the most effective ways of serving humankind is by saying the Great Invocation daily.

People from overseas have requested membership of the African Goodwill Group, these come from India, China and Italy. In Africa, to our joy, we have members from Nigeria, Kenya, Tanzania, and South Africa, as well as from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, and The Gambia.

The website is a clearing house in which new members are directed to the Skype Group, or to form Triangles or to join the Arcane School for further esoteric training.

Talking about esoteric group support and the unseen triangles, we have had that support from the Moscow Esoteric Goodwill Group and the Brazilian Esoteric Goodwill Group.

In closing I want to end with a Buddhist Blessing:

May you be safe and protected from inner and outer harm.
May you be happy and peaceful.
May you be healthy and strong.
May you live with ease in the world.

You may like to say this to yourself:

May I not cause any one inner or outer harm.
May I not cause any one unhappiness or irritation.
May I live with ease in the world.

If you would like to contact the African Goodwill Network, their details can be found here