Electric Tension and Sacred Space - Part 3

Continued from part 2

A Different Kind of Space


So far, we have explored the premise that the building force at work in the heavens is not primarily gravity as thought by standard cosmology, but electric tension based on the sacred geometry of the hexagon. We have also examined this phenomenon at work in the growth, development and functioning of living organisms via the water that surrounds DNA and all the protein chains.  We can now move on to explore how electric tension and the sacred geometry of the hexagon are at work in consciousness itself.

Amazingly, cognitive neuroscience regards consciousness as an illusion. This view has arisen from experiments showing that the brain takes several hundred milliseconds to process and translate a sensory input. Consequently, in conversations between two people, each person generally responds to what the other has said before the brain activity that correlates with processing speech has transpired! The conclusion is that dialogue takes place non-consciously – human beings respond to one another before their brains have processed what has been said and are just under the illusion that they are in conscious control after the event.  And so consciousness is viewed as epiphenomenal – a dream state in the effervescence rising from particles of matter in motion. 1

Consciousness does indeed rise up out of particles of matter in motion when they reach a certain level of complex organisation. However, the life force behind consciousness isn’t spontaneously generated at this point for all matter is thrilling with life and has consciousness latent within it.  The reality is that it’s only at a certain stage of complexity that this becomes recognisable to human perception and can be examined with scientific instrumentation.

But aside from this, a good bridge between the material and spiritual perspectives can be found in the thinking of Bertrand Russell, a great agnostic philosopher, who proposed that consciousness exists, not in physical space, but in non-physical, perceptual space.

To illustrate the thinking behind Russell’s idea, a classic example involves looking at a finger. When the image of the finger falls on the retina, it is immediately digitized into a stream of electric impulses that race through the pitch black interiors of the nerve fibres into the brain. But somehow, the image then magically reappears in the brain as a virtual object, and furthermore gives rise to the illusion that it is not in our brain but outside of our head. Our brain has performed a biopsy of the light reflected from our finger and projected it back to the source. The big question then, is where is reality – inside the brain or outside of the head where it appears to be? Those who follow Bertrand Russell’s reasoning would say neither – the dynamics of consciousness occur in a different kind of space parallel to the objective physical space of function.

This is taken further by Dr Peter Walling, a clinical Anaesthesiologist at Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas, who has been researching the dynamics of consciousness. He does this by examining the fluctuations in the electric current flows within the brain cells and transposing the data into a geometrical representation of their changing dynamics. Out of the seeming chaos of brainwave activity, he found an ordered geometry subtly operating behind the workings of consciousness. It was also discovered that certain patterns reoccurred and were tending towards specific geometrical archetypes known in the mathematics of Chaos theory as “fractal attractors”.



These findings suggest that consciousness is functioning and evolving in an abstract mathematical dimension. Dr Walling believes that as sensory impressions from the outside world reach the brain in the form of electrical signals, the brain transfers them into a higher dimensional structure in non-physical space, and the geometry of this space is the basis of conscious thought.  

A vital part of this theory rests on what is known as gamma wave synchrony within the brain. Neuroscientists generally agree that this measurement of coordinated electrical activity best represents consciousness.

Gamma wave synchrony occurs when the frequency of neural firing reaches 40-100 Hz in an orchestrated fashion all over the brain – all the different data coming into the brain being brought into synchronous activity. Research on patients coming out of anaesthesia corroborates this, as the regaining of consciousness is matched by a gamma wave ascent that eventually reaches the point where coherent thought is possible again.  Further research shows that the more a subject is able to concentrate his thinking, the more gamma synchrony is present in the electrical activity of the brain.

Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have found that during meditation, Zen Buddhist monks show an extraordinary synchronisation of brain waves at this frequency. “While meditating, the monks produced gamma waves that were extremely high in amplitude and had long-range gamma synchrony, the waves from disparate brain regions were in near lockstep, like numerous skipping ropes turning precisely together. They show that spiritual harmony requires coordination of otherwise scattered groups of neurons.”2

Dr Walling’s study of the dynamics of gamma wave synchrony has only recently been possible due to the power of computer enhanced data, and so the challenge is now on to see how the geometry of consciousness in perceptual space relates to the geometry of the brain in objective space. And a good place to start is with what they both have in common – their fractal geometry. A fractal is a geometrical pattern that is repeated at an ever decreasing scale to produce irregular shapes and surfaces that don’t occur in classical geometry. This property of fractals is known as “self-similarity.”

A good everyday example is a tree. A tree grows by repeating the simple process of branching which means that a little piece of the tree, like a twig, has the same general shape as a bigger part, such as a branch, which in turn is similar in structure to the entire tree. Scientific investigation has shown that the brain cortex is fractal in nature – that is, smaller structures within it exhibit the same general pattern as the cortex itself over all spatial scales.3

As Dr Walling has discovered, the dynamics of consciousness are also fractal in nature, so clearly the crossover point between the realms of consciousness and matter relies on fractal geometry of some kind. Consciousness requires sympathetically shaped receiving or docking stations in matter, that can receive its communications from perceptual space and send objective information back to it; and this communication exchange occurs through fractal patterns based on hexagons. The first hexagonal pattern is in the part of the brain that is responsible for memory and navigation, the entorhinal cortex.

When a graph is plotted of the way that neurons in this part of the brain fire in laboratory animals as they move about the place, it is seen that they are synchronised into hexagonal patterns. Animals and human beings have a hexagonal spatial representation of the surrounding environment. This is in harmony with the esoteric perspective as the number 6 is associated with form and manifestation.

As the lower three planes of the solar system form the prison of man, 666 is regarded as the number of materialism, the number of the dominance of the lower mental, astral and physical worlds prior to the process of reorientation towards the higher spheres.

Neuroscience: Brains of Norway

The same hexagonal patterns are also discovered at deeper levels within the entorhinal cortex but at finer scales. The interior of brain cells have a structure known as microtubules that are cylindrical in shape with a hexagonal lattice on their surface. This hexagonal surface is perfectly suited to the flurries of tiny snow-flake shaped enzymes that are attracted to them by electrostatic affinity. These biological catalysts (known as CaMKII) are hollow double hexagons.

To the esotericist, it is their hollow nature that is interesting as this always signals a crossover zone between the inner and outer planes – the hexagonal vortices that each of these proteins frames is likely to hold the secret of information transfer between consciousness and the physical brain.

As these little proteins land upon the microtubule surface, they extend six legs like tiny landing craft, each foot acting like a ‘bit’ of information – the six bits making one ‘byte’.  Through this interaction, dynamic patterns are formed on the hexagonal lattice of the microtubules, and some insightful researchers think that this controls and orchestrates neural firing patterns in the brain.

Another anaesthesiologist, Professor Stuart Hameroff of Arizona University and the Center for Consciousness Studies suggests that, in the brain, this array of fractal hexagons in descending scale correlates with conscious experience. Consciousness can move up and down various levels in a fractal-like brain hierarchy similar to a musical scale.

At the frequencies between 40 and 100 Hz, gamma synchrony appears as a pattern of neural oscillation. This increases to 10,000 hertz in microtubules and on to megahertz, gigahertz and even terahertz, each band of frequencies corresponding to ever smaller structures within the brain. Professor Hameroff points out that these are all separated by three orders of magnitude which is the optimal scale for fractal hierarchies to appear with their self-repeating patterns.

He compares these octave scales to the Lokas of eastern philosophy – loka being a Sanskrit term for “world” in Vedic literature. As consciousness is focused in concentrated thinking or meditation, it moves further down the fractal hierarchy of the brain, the frequency of the electromagnetic signals increasing dramatically until they are so rapid, that consciousness can be said to be operating independently of physical brain matter – in one of the subtle worlds or lokas.   

But it is to Dr Walling that we return to for the actual nature of consciousness whatever world or loka it may be functioning in – and this brings us back to the concept of perceptual space. Consciousness will never be discovered as a substantial “thing” with a specific location, even on the highest spiritual plane imaginable; for whatever plane life is functioning on, the dynamics of consciousness operate in the perceptual space related to that plane – a dimension apart from all others. It is here that consciousness resides in an indefinable, intangible realm of mathematical relationships – God geometrises and consciousness is the result.

Esoteric philosophy states that consciousness arises from the interaction of spirit and matter, so Whichever of the seven planes of spirit/matter life is functioning on, the dynamics of consciousness operate in the perceptual space related to that plane – a different kind of space.


To the occultist there is no such thing as substance, but only Force in varying degrees... and only Consciousness producing intelligent effect through the medium of space.  A.A. Bailey







1.     Fractal, Scale-Free Consciousness. Stuart Hameroff MD https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp20eWejD6Q&t=3s
2.    Zen Gamma Scientific American   http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/zen-gamma/
3.    Is the brain cortex a fractal?  https://www.researchgate.net/publication/8605535_Is_the_brain_cortex_a_fractal

Ref:      Consciousness: Anatomy of the Soul   Peter T. Walling and Kenneth N. Hicks