The Ageless Wisdom

What has the Ageless Wisdom to tell us about all this?

Alice Bailey tells us:

Time and Space are but states of consciousness.1

This is a very profound statement, but try to keep it in mind during the rest of the exposé.

In 1877 H.P.B. Wrote:

There is no gravitation in the Newtonian sense, but only magnetic attraction and repulsion…

it is by their magnetism that the planets of the solar system have their motions regulated in their respective orbits by the still more powerful magnetism of the sun, not by their weight or gravitation.2

Einstein was not born yet. And H.P.B. goes on:

Believing but in the law of mutual magneto-electric attraction and repulsion… come to the conclusion that ‘universal gravitation is a weak force,’ utterly incapable of accounting for even one small portion of the phenomena of motion.3

We now know that the electrical force indeed is much – much – stronger than the gravitational force. They differ by 39 orders of magnitude (10 with 39 zeroes)!

The earth is a magnetic body; in fact, as some scientists have found, it is one vast magnet, as Paracelsus affirmed some 300 years ago.It is charged with one form of electricity — let us call it positive — which it evolves continuously by spontaneous action, in its interior or centre of motion.

Somewhat later Sir Oliver Lodge noted seven steps in the evolution of stars:

  1. Ether full of intrinsic circulation.
  2. Everything flows, nothing is stagnant.
  3. Fusing of specks of ether into electric charges.
  4. Cohering of these charges to constitute atoms of matter.
  5. Agglomeration of matter into clouds endowed with rotation.
  6. Gradual increase of rotating speed until masses emit rays which break into great stars of high temperature, the radiation loss from which makes them shrink into compacter stars from whence are born the germs of life.
  7. Stars loose their substance, shrink, darken and perhaps ultimately disappear, leaving once more Ether and Radiation so that the whole process can conceivably begin again.5

And Sir Oliver Lodge concludes:

Matter tends to be swallowed up by electricity again.5

Such theories were quite popular at that time, including thoughts about the ether.

Coming back to Alice Bailey, she wrote:

Fire by friction is to be somewhat understood by the scientists of the world, and we are harnessing to our needs the fire which heats, which gives light, and which produces motion. This is in the physical sense of the words.

One of the imminent discoveries will be the integrating power of electricity as it produces the cohesion within all forms and sustains all form life during the cycle of manifested existence.

It produces also the coming together of atoms and of the organisms within forms,
so constructing that which is needed to express the life principle.

… This will be released in fuller measure during the Aquarian age, through the agency of the seventh ray. One of its earliest effects will be the increase of the understanding of brotherhood and its really scientific basis.6

And about the etheric body she wrote

The etheric body is the next aspect of the world substance to be studied by scientists and investigators.

The time will be hastened if thinking men and women can formulate intelligent ideas anent this interesting subject. We can aid in the revelation of the truth by our clear thinking and from the standpoint of the present pronouncements about the ether, scientists will eventually arrive at an understanding of etheric forms and bodies.7

From A Treatise on Cosmic Fire by Alice Bailey we infer8

[Figure3: Table first, second & third Logos]

[Figure 3: Table first, second & third Logos]

There are many ways to reflect on this table, but please keep in mind the spiral motion of the second aspect. A spiral motion is the combination of a linear motion (first aspect) and a circular motion (third aspect). One could also say that it is the intermediary motion between the two.

To finish we quote a more recent statement coming from the group of scientists involved in the furthering of ideas re the electric sky:

From the smallest particle to the largest galactic formation, a web of electrical circuitry connects and unifies all of nature, organizing galaxies, energizing stars, giving birth to planets and, on our own world, controlling weather and animating biological organisms.

There are no isolated islands in an electric universe.9


1.Alice A. Bailey, Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle, p. 10.

2.H. P. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, I, p. 271.

3.H. P. Blavatsky, Collected Writings, V, p. 152.

4.H. P. Blavatsky, Isis Unveiled, I, p. xxiv.

5.Oliver Lodge, Evolution and Creation.

6.Alice A. Bailey, Esoteric Psychology, I, p. 372-373.

7.Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic, p. 76-77.

8.Alice A. Bailey, A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 142-145.

9.David Talbott and Wallace Thornhill, The Thunderbolts of the Gods, 2005.

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