Serving Humanity von Alice Bailey (Autor)

Serving Humanity von Alice Bailey (Autor)


Service can be briefly described as the spontaneous effect of soul contact. This contact is so definite and fixed that the life of the soul can pour through into the instrument – the personality – which the soul must perforce use upon the physical plane. This book contains a comprehensive collection of quotations to stimulate thought and increase our understanding of service and its vital importance at the present time.




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paperback $21.00 USD £14.00 GBP



ISBN-13: 978-0-853-30133-2

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From the Writings of Alice A. Bailey and the tibetan Master, Djwhal Khul


1. The True Server
2. A Challenge
3. A Call To Service
4. The Inertia of the Average Spiritually-minded Man
5. The Law of Service
6. The Need for Servers
7. What is Service?
8. The Urge to Serve
9. Characteristics of The Server
10. Learning to Serve
11. Serving Humanity
12. Divine Inspiration
13. Forces of Enlightenment
14. Mystical Perception
15. Preparing for the Reappearance of the Christ
16. Overshadowing by the Avatar
17. The Plan for Human Evolution
18. Humanity
19. Human Relationships
20. Control of Speech
21. Criticism
22. The Service Rendered by Humanity
23. Energy
24. Telepathy
25. Impression
26. Occult Blindness
27. Revelation
28. Illumination
29. The Intuition
30. Soul Awareness
31. Meditation
32. Discipleship
33. Requirements needed by Aspirants
34. What is a Disciple?
35. Status of Disciples
36. Requirements of the Disciple
37. Equipping for Service
38. Control of the Mind
39. Purification of the Vehicles for Service
40. Care of the Physical Body

41. Diet
42. The Power to Heal
43. Healing Work
44. The Evolving Form
45. The Life Span
46. Death
47. The Unfolding Disciple
48. Dual Life of the Disciple
49. Choice of Path
50. Right Decision
51. The Probationary Path
52. The Treading of the Way
53. The Immediate Goal for Disciples
54. Working under Existing Conditions
55. Standing Alone
56. Loneliness
57. Accepted Disciple
58. Sonship to the Master
59. Masters and Disciples
60. Occult Obedience
61. Free Will
62. Freedom
63. Age of the Disciple
64. The Sannyasin
65. Old Age and Service
66. The New Group of World Servers (N.G.W.S.)
67. The Serving Hierarchy
68. Externalisation of the Hierarchy
69. A Master’s Ashram
70. Disciples Preparing for the New Age
71. Service as Approach to the Great Ones
72. Channels for Service
73. Light Bearers
74. The Joy of Service
75. The Life of Service
76. Dangers in the Life of Service
77. Service to Individuals
78. Motives for Service
79. Loving Service
80. Selfless Service
80. Selfless Service
81. Scope of Service
82. Money in Service
83. Creative Service
84. Limitations
85. Irritation
86. Points of Tension
87. Points of Crisis
88. Losing Time for Service
89. Master of Time
90. The Future
91. The Law of Rebirth
92. Factors Governing Incarnations for Servic
93. Incarnating Souls Affecting Civilisation
94. Karma
95. Knowledge
96. Responsibility
97. Sacrifice
98. Pain and Suffering
99. Glamour and Illusion
100. Success
101. Failure
102. Recognition
103. Relaxation and Recreation
104. Consciousness
105. Training
106. Teaching
107. Transmission of Teachings
108. Esoteric Studies
109. Education
110. Group Aspects
111. Initiation
112. Dark Forces
113. The White Magician
114. Mantrams
115. The Pilgrim
116. An Esoteric Catechism
117. Some Words of Cheer
118. Conclusion
Serving Humanity

Paperback: 514 pages

Dimensions:  7.5 x 4.8

ISBN-13: 978-0-853-30133-2