Movimiento Mundial de Servidores a la Vida

Apdo de Correos # 70541
Los Ruices
Zona Postal1071-A

We made copies of the Festival Week folder and we are distributing it everywhere, as well as the 5 o’clock mantra.

We copied part of the information from the Festival Week folder and created a press notice that appears every month at the full moon, and we also publish this in the “Vea” newspaper, which is read in all parts of Venezuela. We are also commenting and reporting about the Festival on Radio Nacional of Venezuela (RNV) on Thursdays of each week, from 2: 00 to 3: 00 PM. We read the leaflet and offer it to those who are interested. They can come to the radio station to pick it up and we also refer people to the Internet link.

We are also making this information available to people who use the Caracas Metro. And we are trying to send it to the interior regions of of Venezuela. We are always talking about the soul that we are and promoting the use of the Great Invocation as a way to unite in thought and feeling.

Between now and December, the entire group and others will be distributing this information. People are excited about the talk of world peace and the integration of Nations worldwide. They are very interested about the idea of fraternity and they ask us to talk about the spiritual value of the soul on the radio and they write to us to request information.

So that we all can unite together and strengthen the impact of this festival, we are gathering the e-mail addresses of known groups to send this important information from the Lucis Trust.

Finally, we have published the address for the Lucis Trust so that people will have access to this information.

Infinite thanks for the opportunity to serve. Thank you.