Susan Shore, Death, Our Last Illusion Da Susan Shore (Autore)

Susan Shore, Death, Our Last Illusion Da Susan Shore (Autore)

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Is there anything beyond death? And is it worth having?


This book begins with the latest science on the Near-death Experience, then explores the passage through physical death to the states of conscious being beyond. These states ~ often blissful ~ are outlined by our great religious traditions, and detailed in Tibetan Buddhism and the perennial philosophy, particularly in the Alice Bailey books.


Traditional sources are compared with findings of science and medicine, and psychology from Jung and Piaget to Wilber. Later chapters examine clinical studies by reputable psychiatrists and psychologists: These were undertaken after they accidentally took subjects into 'the place the Tibetans call the Bardo' ~ the state after death /between lives.

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ISBN-13: 978-1-863-35627-5

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Susan Shore, Death, Our Last Illusion

Paperback: 432 pages

Dimensions: 6.1 x 9.2

ISBN-13: 978-1-863-35627-5