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2. The New Group of World Servers - Part 1

The first thing to be grasped is that there is a Plan for humanity and that this Plan has always existed.  It has worked out through the evolutionary developments of the past ages and also through that special impetus which has been given it from time to time by the great intuitives and teachers of the races.  Today there are a sufficient number of men and women [650] in the world, adequately developed, so that they can contact it and work in connection with it.  It is becoming more a matter of group recognition than of intuitive revelation.  Secondly, it is to be noted that there is upon our planet a group of men and women belonging to every nation, who are definitely upon the Path of Discipleship and because of their status, they are all of them as definitely serving the race.  They are subjectively welded together into a body, which we have called the New Group of World Servers, for lack of a better name.  Their characteristics are well known, for many have made a careful study of this group for two or three years and many also form a part of it.

Prominent members of this group are to be found in every country in Europe, in China and Japan, in North and South America, and in South Africa.  In Australia, New Zealand and other countries not enumerated above, members and servers of this group are to be found.

Many of these group members know or recognise each other from the similarity of objectives, ideals and methods, to be seen in their work, but in many cases they remain unknown to each other.  Group members are to be found working in all fields of human enterprise,—economic, political, social and religious.  These four groups are named in the order of their importance in the present world situation.  Religious difficulties and problems are perhaps the most easily handled and realised, because they are the most easily recognised.  Religious antagonisms are rampant today but they are known for what they are, hence the religious field is mentioned last.

It is encouraging for us to observe, however, that the New Group of World Servers working in connection with the rapidly emerging plan of the Great Ones, has been vitally increased in numbers during the past few years and [651] there is a much closer inner welding than heretofore.  The group will be found divided into two parts:—

1. An inner nucleus, composed of those active servers who know themselves to be disciples, is consciously in touch with the Plan, and is strenuously working at its development.

2. Those who have responded to the vision as it has been presented to them by that inner nucleus, and have ranged themselves definitely on the side of the Plan.  They are, therefore, men and women of good will.

Connected with these two groups, there is a steadily growing public which is becoming increasingly responsive to the new ideas.  They have expressed their interest and are eager to see the Plan materialise in proper form on earth.  The diverse needs of all these groups must be met and this is the definite problem of all who are working in conscious collaboration with the Hierarchy.

It is not easy for all of us who are working and struggling in the battlefield of life to see the world picture as it really is.  It is difficult to appreciate the urgency of the present time, and to evaluate correctly the opportunity that is offered for the bringing of sorely needed changes.  It is hard too to gauge the extent and the power of the forces working in opposition.  It would be useless to refer thus to these forces, if there were no chance of success and the victory were not possible.  Both success and victory are possible, if there is a unity of ideal and method amongst us.

A picture of the immediate problem to indicate possible dangers and suggest at the same time what should be done in the period immediately ahead, has practical value.  Some of what is here said is already well known, but a re-statement of [652] the situation is in order, for it will enable us to lay our plans with clarity and precision.


The statement has been made that Those who constitute the inner government of the world, or the so-called planetary Hierarchy, are working to facilitate the entry of the very ideals and aims into the consciousness of the race.  These new ideals and aims are characteristics of the New Age.  This statement is of importance, because it indicates that the effort now on foot is in line with the evolutionary development going on upon our planet.  It is therefore assured of ultimate success.  The work that the New Group of World Servers is endeavouring to do is intended to hasten that process, and so avert a long period of distress and disorder.  Whether this effort succeeds or not, the final aim is assured, but it can be hastened if men will only appreciate fairly the situation with which they are immediately faced and take the necessary steps to change the present condition.

The new Plan of the Great Ones is, therefore, in the last analysis, simply an extension of the Plan as it has always existed.  No changes in the basic idea are involved.  The success of the present endeavour is contingent upon the availability of the forces which stand for progressive righteousness and the ability of the disciples of the world to act in unison, and so to influence public opinion that there can be a worldwide change in human attitudes, but the members of the New Group of World Servers must refrain from dissipating their efforts in secondary activities.  For these latter, there will be time, once the main objective has been reached.  The immediate objectives of the Plan might be stated as follows:

1. To raise the level of the human consciousness so that intelligent [653] thinking men and women will be consciously in touch with the world of ideas and the realm of intuitive perception.  This means that they will be oriented towards reality.

Average men and women will then be led definitely to shift their attention from the world of the emotions in which they have hitherto lived, and will begin to live more in their mental natures, and to think clearly and wisely.  As a direct result of a growing awareness of the two above mentioned groups, the masses, as a whole, will be definitely benefited.  They will find their living conditions so ameliorated and wisely ordered that the present state of fear and of intense competitive struggle for existence will be superseded by a real measure of stability and security.  A more leisured life will consequently be possible and this will enable men to unfold their powers—mental and spiritual—normally.

This is no picture of an immediate Utopia.  The modification of the present situation, even in a small measure, is a Herculean task, and will strain the resources of the New Group of World Servers to the utmost.

2. The second objective of Those who are working out the Plan is the clarifying of the international situation.  It is necessary that each nation should realise two things:—

First, the importance of attending to its own business and its own internal problems which are those of beautifying the national life, by the production of order, stabilisation, and above all, freedom.  Each nation must internally adjust itself to peace.  This must be done, not by the armed force of some powerful group, but by the wise consideration of the needs of the entire people, excepting no part of the national life.

Second, the prime importance of each nation realising [654] its responsibility to all other nations, and the interrelation of all parts of the life of our world.  This realisation will bring about a reciprocal interplay in the field of economics, for this is the most important field at this time.  Practically all world problems and differences are based upon an economic situation.  It is, therefore, more important in the solution of the present world problem than are the political rivalries and the selfish, individual, national ambitions.

The providing of adequate food, raiment and housing facilities to the unthinking masses everywhere will bring about a changed world psychology, which will be constructive and sound, and which will usher in the deeply desired era of peace and plenty.  That the problem is unsolved is difficult no one denies, and for this, man's selfishness and greed is responsible.  It is, in reality, relatively simple, if not complicated by too much statistical deduction and the opposed selfishness of national and monied interests.  The term "monied interests" is here used to designate no one class in particular for the transition of money out of one set of hands into another provides no real solution.  Whoever possesses the money at any particular time wields power, and this is true, whether it is the present capitalistic class or an enriched proletariat or a grasping government.

3. The third objective is the growth of the group idea with a consequent general emphasis upon group good, group understanding, group inter-relation, and group good will.  These four are the ideals of that subjective group, working on the physical plane, which we call the New Group of World Servers.

If these ideals can be materialised, this new group provides [655] a nucleus for that future world group which will gradually knit together all men in the cause of true brotherhood.  This group will not be occupied with experiments in the various fields of human life or in connection with world problems.  Its members will not work for political prominence or for the success of any particular experiment in the field of economics, politics or religion.  Their work is the emphasis of the underlying principles and the education of public opinion along the new lines.  They will seek to reveal to humanity the true and underlying inner synthesis, which is based on uniform objectives and which leads to that universal good will which will enable a man in any country to identify himself with his brothers in other parts of the world.

This group will provide an international unit, made up of intelligent men of good will, which must inevitably control world destiny and bring about world peace and thus organise the new world order.  They will do this without the use of the old political machines, the violent propaganda, and the organised force which are characteristic of the old order.  Their method is the method of education; they will mould public opinion and foster mutual good will and national, religious and economic inter-dependence.  What they are really attempting to do is to awaken into fuller activity an aspect of human nature which is always present but which has hitherto been subordinated to selfish or ambitious ends.  Human beings are innately kind when their minds are not distorted and their vision impaired by the false teaching of any selfish interest, political propaganda and racial or religious difficulties.

Upon this fact we take our stand and, given right opportunity and adequate aid, the work of the New Group of World Servers will demonstrate this fact.  This new group provides a field of effort and a centre of energy towards which all men of good will everywhere throughout the world [656] can turn, thus pooling their resources, strengthening each other's hands and sounding forth in unison the note of mutual cooperation for the good and well being of all, irrespective of creed or race.  This is not a vague and mystical generalisation, carrying with it no practical purpose or plan.  It is a statement of the ideals of a very large group of intelligent men and women, found today throughout the world and working in cooperation with Those upon the inner side of life Who know.  These aims will be achieved, not by propaganda backed by force, but by example, backed by sacrifice and love.  Another important objective of the Plan, which will materialise later when world conditions are bettered, is the emergence into physical plane activity of that group of souls of Whom the New Group of World Servers are the outer representatives.  This appearance can be called (in Christian phraseology) the second coming of Christ with His Disciples, or it can be called the manifestation of the planetary Hierarchy or the appearance of the Masters of the Wisdom, Who will restore upon earth the ancient mysteries and institute again the order of Initiation.

Such is a broad and general idea of the objectives of the Plan and the aim of its Custodians.  Each phase of it constitutes a field of active service, and all men of good will everywhere and the members of the New Group of World Servers find their place in one or another of its departments.  The members of this group are, in reality, an intermediate group, between the Custodians of the Plan, as They express the mind and purpose of God, and the intelligent public.  They constitute the "brain trust" of the planet, for they are definitely wrestling with the problem of unrest and distress in the economic, political and religious fields.  Through them the Plan must work out, and if they work with the desired selflessness and wisdom, and if they demonstrate adequate skill in action, they [657] will eventually achieve much power.  It will, however, be power based upon an intelligent good will, upon a right understanding of brotherhood and upon a determination to bring about the good of the whole body and not the good of certain sections of the national life or of certain nations at the expense of other sections and other nations.  Hence, my constant emphasis upon the necessity of thinking in terms of good will to the whole.  The very effort so to think is part of the technique required to expand the present human consciousness, and in these words I have stated the basic principle underlying the new technique of world unfoldment and integration.  The development of self consciousness and of the uniquely separative individual has been the right and desired technique in the past.  The development of group consciousness, through the activity of the New Group of World Servers, is intended to be the right and desired technique of the future.

Speaking generally, we have, therefore, in the world today the unintelligent masses who are rapidly becoming self-conscious under the pressure of modern life and our modern educational systems.  We have secondly, the truly self-conscious thinkers or individuals who have assumed world control and prominent place in world affairs, through the power of their thoughts and the emphasis and magnetism of their personality.  By the clarity of their thinking in their chosen field, they dominate the masses, but they are dominant in a separative sense.  These masses whom they control can be divided into two divisions:—A restless, alert, discontented and intelligent minority (a minority of about forty per cent of the whole).  The remaining sixty per cent is formed by the unthinking masses, who are little more than emotional animals.  They live, work, suffer and fight, but have no real idea of what it means, or of where they, as a race, are going. [658] With these latter there is little yet to be done.  With the forty percent, however, much can be achieved when the New Group of World Servers is sufficiently coherent.  Notice should be taken also of the world idealists and workers, who are pledged to the working out of some ideal which seems to them to embody all that is desirable and to solve the problem as they see it around them.  Under this group could be placed the leaders and dictators of the world at this time, no matter by what name they call themselves.  That their methods may not be desirable, is of course often true but is relatively immaterial.  Rightly or wrongly, they are working under the inspiration of an idea; they are bringing about definite changes in the minds of their fellow men and in world conditions; they are evoking a mental response from the public and the world.  They are, therefore, placing the world in their debt, by inaugurating those changes which are altering the world rhythm and speeding up its tempo.  They are thus preparing us for the still more revolutionary changes of the new age.  Some of them are to be found included in the New Group of World Servers.

Members of the New Group of World Servers stand for the following ideals:

1. They believe in an inner world government and in an emerging evolutionary plan.  They can see its signs down the ages.  That they may express the significance of this inner world government and of the planetary Hierarchy, in varying terms, is inevitable.  That they may regard it from the peculiar angle of their own tradition and schooling is also inevitable but unimportant.  That which is of importance is that they are in touch with the centre of energy which is attempting to guide human affairs; they know something of the detail of the immediate [659] plan, and to the furtherance of this they are bending all their energies.

2. They are steadily cultivating an international spirit of good will and to this they consecrate every effort.  They avoid all points of dissension, regarding them as incidental to the point in evolution which the race has reached and they are convinced of the inevitable change for the better which is on its way.  They emphasise the point of common endeavour and seek to interpret to the public the trend of the present world efforts as these begin the work of swinging the world on to new paths and producing in the minds of the people new and better ideals.

3. They seek to teach also the fact that the many national, religious and social experiments are only modes of expansion, ways of growth and needed lessons.  They seek to point out that the effects of these will be twofold.  First, they will demonstrate the usefulness of those lines of thought and consequent methods which will eventually bring about the release of mankind from its present limitations and distress.  These experiments are not lost effort.  They have a definite place and purpose.  Second, they will demonstrate the recognition of those methods and techniques in government and religion which are undesirable, because they spread the virus of hatred, breed class and racial distinctions and are consequently detrimental to world understanding, international good will and spiritual amity.

There is no thinking man today in prominent position who does not in his highest moments appreciate the necessity for world peace, international order and religious understanding—all leading in the last analysis to economic stability.  The [660] right order by which men will find that stability is the ancient one that certain fraternities have ever emphasised:—Unity, Peace and Plenty.  They lead sequentially and automatically from one to the other.  The major instrument today for the achievement of world unity is the New Group of World Servers.  It is as yet only potential but, given opportunity, and the necessary means to go forward with its work, it can make real changes in the public consciousness during the next few years and eventually can swing the mass of public opinion behind it.  It can go forward to a large usefulness and can constitute eventually a most potent instrument to bring about the needed unity, peace and plenty.  Their usefulness, however, can only be brought about by a strenuous effort and by constant self-sacrifice on the part of all who know something of the aims of the group and what the Plan seeks to bring about.


Two immediate lines of activity are imperative.  The members of the New Group of World Servers must have the above outlined ideals and objectives held constantly before them and they must also, as far as is possible, be brought in touch with each other.  This work calls for immediate attention.  The aims and ideals of the New Group of World Servers must also be presented constantly and clearly to the thinking public.  The form in which this must be done and the medium used is for the associated servers to decide.  Attention should be called to those activities which are obviously in line with the Plan, and the work and the programmes of the World Servers wherever they are found and located must be made known and aided.  To do this, we need to combine wise and deliberate action with speed, owing to the urgency of the crisis.  Those whose function it is to cooperate and help will appear, but our spiritual perception must be alert to recognise [661] them.  They must evoke recognition, first of all, through their spiritual idealism and secondly, in the field of work, through efficiency and capability.  It is essential that they possess, as far as possible, the qualities of intuitive spiritual perception, but it is also imperative that they possess practical experience and training in efficiency in the work of moulding public opinion, in the circulation of ideas and in the understanding of human relations in the various fields of human expression.

By means of right inner activity and wise leadership, the New Group of World Servers will respond increasingly to the presented new ideas and will grow in strength, optimism, inner relation and interplay.  They will and should become a strong united body in the outer world.  The test will then be to hold the inner clarity of vision and the inner subjective relationships and, at the same time, pursue the work in the world with united, intelligent effort and with success.  The true values, based on good will and brotherhood and founded in man's innate divinity, must be skillfully preserved; the right use of opportunity, plus the consecrated utilisation of world power, will call forth that skill in action which comes from true dedication and right meditation.

The New Group of World Servers has the immediate task of achieving power in moulding men's ideas to the needed changes of thought and the new technique of work all over the world.  To do this, there must be the explanation of the ideas which lie behind the group and a clear statement of those parts of the Plan which are of immediate application.  There must be a steady emphasis upon the reality of that which is inner and subjective (the world of real values) and upon the dynamic power of ideas as they control, and can be shown to control, all that is happening in every disturbed nation today.  What is going on in the world today is the [662] [662] working out of ideas.  As to the technique to be employed certain contrasts might be touched upon.

All nations at this time are engrossed with the imposition of some idea, or group of ideas, upon their peoples.  This seems to the leaders, no matter how enlightened they may be, to necessitate force in some form or another and to call for drastic coercion.  This must necessarily be the case where the time factor is misinterpreted.  The immediate good of the people as a whole is felt by the leaders far to outweigh any temporary happenings to individuals and smaller groups.  In the work of the New Group of World Servers, this time element will be better understood and the work must be carried forward with as much rapidity as possible, yet without any coercion, mental or physical.  The laying of right foundations and the promulgation of right principles is of tremendous importance and must be ensured, but there must be no undue emphasis laid upon the regimenting of men's thoughts within a given time.  With care, with prevision, with forethought and with skill must the ground be laid and the arguments given for the fostering of good will and the growth and spread of brotherhood on an international scale.

Theoretically, the ideal of brotherhood has been presented by many organisations, by many fraternities and many theosophical bodies; but those who have promulgated the idea of brotherhood in these various organisations are themselves too separative and sectarian to carry forward the work constructively.  Theirs is not now the function to organise the men of good will in the world for they insist on labels, on certain exclusions, on working for their organisation more than for humanity, and on the necessity of people to affiliate with them.  They emphasise the need to adhere to certain formulated beliefs, such as the doctrine of reincarnation as the basis of brotherhood, or the fact of the Masters as the [663] background of the Plan, but men of good will can believe all or none of this.  Such doctrines do not affect their recognition of certain great evolutionary trends, nor the necessity to recognise man's essential relationships.  That the service rendered by the groups who have promulgated these ideas is immeasurable and that humanity is deeply in their debt is undoubtedly true.  That hundreds of the members of the various organisations are affiliated with the New Group of World Servers is also entirely correct; but the materialising of these ideas, which have hitherto remained theoretical, is the prime function of the New Group of World Servers.  They have to remove the whole theory from the realm of sentiment, of idealism, and of mystical aspiration and must bring the question, as a concrete demonstrated factor, before the public.

They must place the emphasis upon the expression of good will and the fulfillment of the law of love and not upon affiliation with organisations, with their labels and their doctrines.  The New Group of World Servers must keep itself free of all of these, for otherwise the work will crash upon the ancient rocks of doctrine and of organisation.  The members of the New Group must remain loosely linked together by their mutual good will and the unanimity of their objectives, expressed irrespective of national boundaries, racial distinctions and religious prejudices.  It must throw the weight of its influence behind all movements, which are struggling to overcome differences and which express similar aims.  Its members will sponsor, aid and foster many endeavours which works toward international understanding and synthesis, and express those religious interpretations which teach the spirit of unity.

The power which the New Group of World Servers will eventually yield, will be drawn from two sources:—first, from that inner centre or subjective world government, [664] whose members are responsible for the spread of those ideals and ideas which have led humanity onwards from age to age.  This inner centre has always existed and the great leaders of the race, in every field, have been connected with it.  The great idealists and world workers, (such as the Christ and His great brother, the Buddha, and those lesser workers, such as Plato, Spinoza, Abraham Lincoln, or Florence Nightingale) have all been associated with this centre.  The range of these associates is tremendous and the grades of these workers are many, but self sacrificing work for the betterment of human living and love of their fellow men have distinguished them all.  Yet all drew their light and inspiration from this central focal point.  The members of this government may be alive in physical bodies or discarnate.  It is assumed that there is belief in immortality among those who read these pages—a belief in the perpetuation of the conscious soul in some dimension.  These great souls are primarily distinguished by the fact that they know no mental limitation, and their inclusiveness is such that for them there are no racial distinctions nor any religious differences.

The second source from which the New Group of World Servers will draw its power will be from the men of good will in the world at any given time.  They will be able to swing into activity at any moment such a weight of thought and such a momentous public opinion that they will eventually be in a position definitely to affect world affairs.  One of their functions will be to bring into touch with each other, men of similar ideals and also to direct and further their efforts.

Knowledge of these ideals will be spread everywhere in the face of opposition and distrust; these truths must be expressed in every possible language and by every available means, and every available person must be utilised to circulate them.  No effort should be spared at the present time and for [665] the next few years.  This work must first of all, be undertaken through the medium of the printed page and later, when trained people are available, through the medium of the spoken word.  There must be synthesis of effort and the elimination of unnecessary and personal aspects of the work.

Members of the New Group of World Servers learn mostly through the ear and through that careful attention which comes from an inner attitude of constant listening.  They are unfolding that spiritual perception which is latent but unused in the average man.  They have to catch the new Words of Power as they come forth from the centre of spiritual light and force in the world and, at the same time, they must be attentive to the cry of humanity as it voices its highest hopes, longings and desires.  This attitude of listening and of a subsequent prompt readjustment of the inner, received commands, is characteristic of the New Group of World Servers.  The mass of people whom they will eventually gather around them must be taught, and learn through the eye, through the printed page, and later through a sensing of the vision.  These two points must be remembered in planning the work and in finding the workers.

A word should be spoken here about the dangers the New Group of World Servers should seek to avoid.  It must not be forgotten, first of all, that many people of many races and religious views, form a part, consciously or unconsciously, of this group.  Some of them are so close to the Plan that their clarity of vision and their understanding is very real.  They know.  They need to be very sure, however, as to their right action from the angle of time.  Skill in action is their main problem and not accuracy of perception.  Others are not so close to the Plan and only know it in a vague and general way.  They are consecrated and dedicated souls, but personal ambition and national and religious prejudices, still govern [666] their minds, their reactions and their habits of speech.  They sometimes resent the fact that others of different race, tradition and religious sentiment may be as close to the Plan and the Custodians of the Plan as they are.  They question the authority of individuals in the New Group of World Servers and sometimes work towards the undoing of disciples in the same field as their own.  This must not be.  There is no time today for such trifling things as personal prestige, or for the emphasising of one organisation at the expense of another, or for the assumed priority of this or the other teaching.  These are the things that do not matter, but which do hinder.  What is of importance at this time is the unified stand which can be made by the men of good will in the world during the next few years in order to turn the tide in human affairs, avert possible catastrophe and bring in the era of unity, peace and plenty.  Personal ambitions have to go.  Personal desire, self defence, or self assertiveness have no place in the ranks of the New Group of World Servers.  How can good will be fostered in the world, if those who profess it are fighting amongst themselves?  How can the Plan of the Great Ones make progress and the leadership of the world pass into the hands of those who have a definitely spiritual objective if they are quarreling over place, position, and precedence?  Personalities do not count and only souls have power.

Let all of us, therefore, who belong to the New Group of World Servers or who respond to their message of good will, sacrifice our personal differences, our petty interpretations, and our selfish ambitions upon the altar of world service and friendships.  Thus we can offer to the Custodians of the Plan an instrument which They can freely use.

Another danger may arise if undue emphasis is laid upon the organisation aspect of the New Group of World Servers.  It must never be forgotten that there is here no ordinary [667] organisation, such as is usually found in the world.  The group is an organism, not an organisation.  It is not a propaganda group, as that term is usually understood.  It is not interested in politics, religion or place.  Its work is the educating of the human being and the expanding of the human consciousness, so that the newer and truer ideas may be grasped.  Its function is the spreading of the message of international good will and religious unity.  The members of the New Group of World servers are primarily interpreters.  That they may have high place and position, that they may be powerful and influential people, that they may work through the spoken and the printed word, that they may employ every possible means which brains and money can use in their endeavour, and that they may evidence the highest skill in action will be true if things progress as desired; but all these things are to be regarded as simply a means to an end—the production of worldwide good will, of intelligent and loving understanding and unity, peace and plenty.

The outer organisation is of importance in so far as it leads to the skillful use of opportunity and money, but the organisation is again only a means to an end.  The organisation of the New Group of World Servers is not possible.  They must ever remain unorganised and unlabeled, free to work as they individually see fit.  It is the organisation of the available resources to which we refer, so that the Plan may be promoted, the ideals become practical and the work be carried intelligently forward.

The various plans under consideration for the furthering and growth of the New Group of World Servers, should and will go steadily forward.  The ideas briefly outlined above should be worked out in detail.  People must be trained to work for the expansion of these ideas.  The general public must be educated as to the aims and objectives of the new [668] group.  Meditation groups should be formed, dedicated to the work of contacting the vision and of drawing in the needed wisdom and power.  The Great Invocation should be increasingly used, and daily and hourly must the Invocation be sent forth.  The gist of that which is here set forth should be rearranged and readapted for the use of the general public for it is only through constant reiteration that men learn, and these things must be said again and again before the real work of the New Group of World Servers can make itself felt.

The function of the New Group is to balance the forces leading to disintegration and destruction by embodying in itself the forces of integration and construction.  The New Group will eventually offset the tendency (so prevalent at this time) towards racial hatreds, and the teaching given out will tend to negate the present ideas which are powerful in producing the current cleavages and barriers among men, thus causing separation and war.  Where there is an appearance of a group or groups, expressing ideas which potently emphasise one angle of public opinion and one aspect of life, there must inevitably appear, under the law of balance, that which will offset it.  At the present point in the history of the race, the groups which foster the spirit of cleavage and which build up barriers to impede the free spirit of man, have appeared first.  They do their needed work, for they too are included in the Plan.  Then, under the law, there must appear the group or groups which embody those ideas which lead to integration and constructive building.  They will swing the world on to a higher turn of the spiral; they will heal the breaches, break down the barriers, and end the cleavages.


It would be of value at this time to indicate three of the functions of this New Group so that there may be a clear [669] picture of the work that must be accomplished during the next few years.  This work is intended:

1. To produce a balancing of the forces present in the world today and responsible for the widespread unrest and chaos, so that it will be possible for the race to swing back to a point of equilibrium.

2. To act as the interpreters of the new attitudes and the new activities which must eventually govern men in the coming New Age.

3. To bring about the eventual synthesis and unification of the men of good will and of understanding into one coherent body.  The many who are working in isolated fashion in the various fields of human endeavour (political, religious, scientific and economic), must be brought into touch with each other, and thus made to realise their essential unity.

The major objective and aim of all who are associated with the New Group of World Servers is to bring order out of chaos, and to resolve the widely separative issues of modern life into some kind of stability.  Men would then have time to make the needed readjustments, to think through to a few vital conclusions, and to bring about a period of relative quiet in which to order the newer ways of living, so that the wider issues may be perceived and developed.

At present, such is the distress of mind, so great is the economic suffering, and so deep seated is the widespread illusion, that there is no opportunity to precipitate that which is imminent.  It is not possible for the new ideas, which constitute the coming ideals of the race, to make any real headway.  As yet, these ideas are only sensed and appreciated by a few intuitives and thinkers; the masses remain unaware of the implications of the new order.  These thinkers may be oriented towards [670] unity and good will, but the majority seize upon the ideals presented to them, bend them to their own ambitions, and distort and misapply them to their own selfish ends.  They enforce drastic measures upon the people in order to bring about the acceptance of these ideas by an ignorant and dissatisfied public opinion.

We live in an era of extremes,—of extreme riches and extreme poverty; of extreme ignorance and extreme learning; of extreme discontent and the extreme satisfaction of personal ambitions; of extreme selfishness and extreme self-sacrifice.  On every hand can be seen the wrecking of the institutions of the past, with consequent chaos and disaster, despair and suffering.  At the same time we have the loud shouting and the active work of certain idealists, who seize upon the presented opportunity to swing the masses and the nations into certain activities in the spheres of government and religion.  Their measures seem right and good to the self-imposed leaders, but they are often, in the last analysis, only misinterpreted ideals, growing out of a dimly sensed idea, and are usually unjustly enforced and wrongly applied.  Between these extremes the masses swing,—inert, helpless, unthinking, easily swayed, regimented and standardised.

In every country in the world today, men of good will and of true understanding are to be found.  Many thousands of them are known.  They are however, either ridden by fear or by a feeling of futility, and by the realisation that the work to be done is so stupendous that their little isolated efforts are utterly useless to break down the barriers of hate and separation everywhere to be found.  They realise that there is apparently no systematised spread of the principles which seem to hold the solution of the world problem; they have no conception of the numerical strength of those who may be thinking as they do, and they are consequently rendered impotent [671] [671] through their loneliness, their lack of unity, and the dead weight of the surrounding inertia.  The powerful thinker or the ambitious demagogue, and the man with a true love of his country (but with his own selected ideas as to the right solution of that country's problem) are today availing themselves of the general inertia and of the world crisis and depression in order to impose (if need be, by force) those systems of governments and of control which will materialise their interpretations of the ideal.  These the masses have to accept, and because they normally take the line of least resistance without thinking, they are easily regimented into compliance.

The argument of the leaders is that the masses have not the long vision, and do not, and cannot, know what is good for them.  This is undoubtedly true.  They must, therefore, be told what to do, and be led blindly or by force to that state and form of civilisation which the leaders and their associates believe (often quite sincerely) to be the best.  In the process, those who disagree or who are thinking for themselves must necessarily go to the wall and be silenced, for the good of the whole.  Such is the general situation, with certain national differences of no major importance in the light of the basic problem.  The well-being of the national life may be sensed and desired, but the integration of that national life into the greater whole of humanity—of this the leaders seem, as yet, to have but little vision.

Attack by one party upon another party in public, national or political life, or of one group of thinkers (advocating their peculiar ideas) upon another group of thinkers with differing ideas, has long been the custom.  In this process the more powerful obliterate the weaker, and the masses are exploited and told what to do and to think, with no real effort to bring them into a condition of right understanding.  It is the same in the religious field, but the religious differences of the race are [672] of such old standing that there is no need to enumerate them here.  Militarists and pacifists in their many groups, Communists and conservatives, socialists and Nazis, republicans and Fascists, democrats and progressives, labour and capital, Catholics and Protestants, agnostics and fanatics, politicians and idealists, criminals and the enforcers of the misinterpreted law, ignorant masses and the intelligent few, plus the class distinctions, the racial differences, and the religious feuds in both hemispheres, have reduced the world to turmoil and complete disunion and feebleness.

Out of this condition, how shall order be restored?  How can the economic situation be stabilised, and the world be brought to a condition where there is a just and right sufficiency for all?  How can national differences be healed and racial hatreds be ended?  How can the many religious groups pursue their work of leading men to an expression of their divinity along the lines of individual heritage, and yet at the same time exist in harmony and present a united front to the world?  How can wars be ended and peace be brought about on earth?  How can a true prosperity be established, which shall be the result of unity, peace and plenty?

Only in one way.  By the united action of the men and women of good will and understanding in every country and in every nation.  Steadily and quietly, with no sense of hurry, must they do three things:—

First, they must discover each other and be in touch with each other.  Thus the sense of weakness and of futility will be offset.  This is the first duty and task of the New Group of World Servers.

Secondly, they must clarify and elucidate those basic principles of right living, good will and harmony, which are recognised, but not applied, by all right thinking [673] people today.  These principles must be formulated in the simplest terms and made practical in action.

Thirdly, the general public must be educated in these principles.  Steadily, regularly and systematically, they must be taught the principles of brotherhood, of an internationalism which is based on good will and love of all men, of religious unity, and of cooperative interdependence.  The individual in every nation and group must be taught to play his important part with good will and understanding; the group must shoulder its responsibility to other groups; and the responsibility of nation to nation and of all nations to the world of nations must be explained and emphasised.

This is no idle or mystical, impractical program.  It undermines and attacks no authority or government.  It is not interested in the overthrow of rulers or the downfall of any political or national party.  It calls for intelligent and practical effort.  It will call for the cooperation of many types of mind and many trained executives.  The men of good will in every country must be discovered, and all who respond to these ideals must be gathered together through mailing lists.  Their cooperation must be sought and systematised.  This program will call, eventually, for the assistance of many lecturers and writers, who will work along the same idealistic lines but with differing methods.  Through their knowledge of their own country, and of the best way to bring these basic truths home to their own nationals, they must be left free to work as they see best for their particular nation.  They, and all men and women of good will constitute the New Group of World Servers.  A central group, chosen from among them, should synthesise this work and coordinate it, whilst giving the widest latitude to individual servers and workers.


This program will require patience and much cooperative work.  The members of the New Group of World Servers must be discovered through their reaction to these ideals; they must be trained in the new policies, and educated in the technique of right thought, non-aggressive action, and the elimination of antagonisms of every kind; they must be taught the manner by which these basic ideals of world unity, economic synthesis and religious cooperation are to be expressed and attained.  The law of Love, expressed intelligently, must be applied to all human relationships.

This work of educating the men and women of good will in the world must be proceeded with as rapidly as possible.  The work must, however, be carried on with no infringement of harmony.  There must be no interference with national preferences and programs, and no belittling of national governments, no matter what they may be.  No political activity should be carried on in the name of the New Group of World Servers.  Such action would continue the old methods and perpetuate the old hatreds.  There must be no attack upon any party or group, and no criticism of any leader or national activity.  Such old methods have long been tried and have failed to bring peace on earth.  The members of the New Group of World Servers, and those associated with them, stand for no party, neither for nor against any group or form of control.  This is their imperative position.  For attack or counter-attack they have not time, energy or money.  Yet their attitude is not one of "passive non-resistance".  They are at work balancing world forces, and fostering the growth of that group of men who stand for good will, understanding and brotherhood.

The world of men today can be divided into two major groups.  They are those who are fighting for some political party, some form of national government, some religious, [675] social or economic attitude.  They are against all that is not of their inclination.  There are those who are opposed to them, and who are ranged against them.  Partisanship, fighting for or against, and party spirit distinguish the modern world of men.  With these activities, which lead to separation and division and strife, the New Group of World Servers have no time or interest.  They stand for those attitudes which will eventually produce a third party, free from political and religious hatreds.  As yet they are unknown, unrealised, and relatively powerless to make a definite impression on world thought.  If, however, there is skill in action and an adherence to the principles of harmonious cooperation, they can, in a very few years, demonstrate real power and influence.

The work can then swing into its second cycle of pronounced and definite influence.  This will be possible only if those who have this vision will make every effort and every possible sacrifice of time and money to bring it about.  Between the exploited and the exploiting, the warlike and the pacifist, the masses and the rulers, this group will stand, taking no sides, demonstrating no partisan spirit, fomenting no political or religious disturbance, and feeding no hatreds, either of individuals, nations or races.  They will stand as the interpreters of right human relations, for the basic oneness of humanity, for practical brotherhood, for positive harmlessness in speech and writing, and for that inner synthesis of objectives which recognises the value of the individual and at the same time the significance of group work.  The propagation of these ideas and the spread of the principles of good will will produce this third group in world affairs.

In a few years time, if the work is carried forward along these lines, public opinion will be forced to recognise the potency of this movement towards peace, international understanding, and mutual good will.  Eventually, the numerical [676] strength of the men and women of good will in the world will be so great that they will be able to influence world events.  There will then be enough people enlisted in the cause of good will to affect definitely the trend of world affairs.

No idle pacifism will be taught.  It is no mystical dream which waits for God to take action and which relies on the future to straighten things out.  It is no impractical idea, incapable of application.  It is the plan for the development of a group of people, gathered out of every nation, who are trained in the spirit of good will, and who possess such a clear insight into the principles that should govern human relations in world affairs, that they can work with power in the field of human peace and understanding.  It is a systematised process of education.  By its means, men and women everywhere are to be trained to live as exponents of good will in every department of life, and the power of intelligent good will to adjust difficulties in every department of human affairs is unbelievably potent.  But as yet, that growing spirit of good will has not been intelligently developed, applied, and systematised.  Thousands of men and women are ready today throughout the world to be so trained, and to be brought into cooperation with each other, so that there can eventually be unity of effort in the cause of peace and harmonious relations.  The New Group of World Servers seeks to discover these people, and unify them into a coherent group.

In conclusion, it might be said, therefore, that the New Group of World Servers seeks to help in the restoration of world balance and peace through the activity—coordinated, definite, and applied—of this emerging group of people, who can constitute a third group or "middle party" (to borrow a phrase from the field of politics) between those who are fighting for, and those who are fighting against, any group, religious organisation, political affiliation or form of government.


Through their work, the consciousness of humanity will be steadily evoked on the side of righteousness and peace.  Righteousness will be regarded as the conscious establishing of right relations with one's fellow men.  When the mass conscience is evoked and functioning, a stabilized opinion will be possible, and will be so strong that, in every country, acts of cruelty, of oppression, of enforced obedience through penalising, of selfish aggrandisement at the expense of the helpless, of personal ambition, and of war will no longer be tolerated.