Restorative Justice and the Triangles Work by Christine Thomas

25 octubre 2017

The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on October 23, 2017:

I work in the field of restorative justice.  Restorative Justice is an aspect of Restorative Practices, which at its heart is a social science based in right human relationships.  Along a continuum exists a range of strategies and practices which are aimed at building and fostering healthy respectful relationships and responding to and repairing where possible relationships when conflict and harmful behaviour occurs. These practices are deeply connected to the field of peacebuilding.


Right Balance and Dance

17 octubre 2017

Maria Calegari and Bart Cook, former Principal Dancers with the New York City Ballet, recently spoke about the Libra Festival on a 2025 Initiative webinar. The following extracts are reproduced with permission.


A New Reality

9 octubre 2017

The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on October 2, 2017:

Through consciously creating lines of light and love through our triangles work we are working with our higher selves to create a new reality. The beauty of this work is that in the conscious creation of a vision based on light, love and right human relations that permeates each triangle and radiates out into human consciousness, it stimulates those within the human family who are receptive, to seek this higher vision in their own daily lives. This work, therefore, creates a new reality, so it is easy to see why it is so close to the heart of the Hierarchy at this time. For, light can indeed "descend on earth" and goodwill can also stream forth in fuller livingness into the hearts of men; thus, transforming their lives and bringing about the era of right human relations that is so deeply desired.


Regalos de “la tierra de nadie”.

2 octubre 2017

Las siguientes palabras fueron transmitidas en el seminario web de Triángulos el 25 de septiembre de 2017:

Bajo la influencia zodiacal de Libra, la plena potencia de la cualidad equilibradora fluye en este momento de equinoccio, cuando el día y la noche se unen en perfecta armonía. Por lo tanto, esta época debería estimularnos para cultivar esta cualidad en el alineamiento con el alma grupal ya que el alma siempre está en armonía con los ritmos de la naturaleza. Cultivar el equilibrio nos ayuda a cimentar la fuerza y, en consecuencia, a profundizar en nuestro alineamiento espiritual como preparación para el próximo ciclo, el ciclo de prueba. Cuando nos aferramos a los extremos perdemos nuestro equilibrio y podemos caer fácilmente. Esta es una de las lecciones que Libra nos ayuda a aprender.
