The Lowest Interlude

20 décembre 2017

The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on December 18, 2017:

We’re approaching the end of the waning cycle of the sun, when its light is diminishing, and just as in the period of the new moon in the monthly cycle, this is a time of considerable spiritual opportunity.  It’s said that Sagittarius takes us to the door--that door that opens during the period of the winter solstice, the finale of this interlude period of the annual cycle. In the cycles of the breath this is the phase of “love to all beings,” which well-describes the sacred potential of this time. The word "solstice" is derived from two Latin words: sol ("sun”) and sistere ("to stand still"). This then is the time of the long night, the time when the sun appears to “stand still” for a period of three day until on December 25th it seemingly returns to life and begins its waxing period, its ascent to the north which signals the approach to the higher interlude.



13 décembre 2017

The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on December 11, 2017:

When we’re lost and unable to find our way, we can either wander around aimlessly and try to get our bearings or we can ask someone for directions--or we can open Google Maps! But seeking direction on the spiritual path today can be a challenge because there are so many paths, so many routes, and so many teachers --some good and some not so good.. But the fact that so many people are seeking meaning is a wonderful opportunity for groups such as Triangles that selflessly sends out clarifying light and love into the planetary etheric body so that those who are wandering around in the darkness can more easily find their way to the light.


National Borders

10 décembre 2017

The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on December 4, 2017:

Triangles workers come from many countries and cultures have differing faiths and affiliations, and the lines of light they weave in mental matter between the points of each triangle cross all boundaries. This helps to loosen the mental atmosphere creating the possibility of greater synthesis and helping to overcome the many perceptions of separatism that exist in our world. One such separative attitude, the issue of borders between nations, is being brought to the forefront of humanity’s attention at the moment with the refugee crisis. Refugees, those fleeing from war, suffering and poverty are in the news on a daily basis. Images of starving children, over-crowding in unsuitable camps, disease, poverty and general distress and suffering are etched on our consciousness. While the situation of displaced people has always been a problem it is now a worsening crisis. The number of people forced to flee their homes across the world has exceeded 65.3 million for the first time since the second world war, an exponential rise that is stretching host countries and aid organisations to their limit. 47% of refugees are women and over half the world's refugees are children, many travelling alone or in groups in a desperate quest for sanctuary, and often falling into the clutches of people traffickers.
