Working Together for Inclusive, Safe, Resilient and Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements

26 juillet 2018

The numerous side events at the High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development allowed a wide range of themes to be considered, with contributions  from a diversity of actors and stakeholders from all levels of government, civic society, and  UN agencies.  One of these events, SDGs in Action: Working Together for Inclusive, Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements, was an opportunity to address the role cities and human settlements play in implementing the Sustainable Development Agenda, particularly Goal 11.


Strengthening Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue through Knowledge Sharing

18 juillet 2018

The recent event, Strengthening Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue through Knowledge Sharing: Opportunities and Challenges, organized by The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAoC) and the King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz International Centre for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue (KAICIID), was an opportunity for diverse actors to share their thoughts and their work on the status of interreligious and intercultural dialogue(IRD/ICD) in the world today.  Specific focus was given to knowledge sharing and educational platforms.

The event received support from the permanent missions to the UN of Austria, Spain, and Saudi Arabia.  Five experts in fields of IRD/ICD shared their work and insights on the theme.


Leaving No One Behind: Are We Succeeding?

18 juillet 2018

On Friday, July 13, Andrew Gilmour, Assistant Secretary General of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, delivered a sobering assesment of challenges facing the Sustainable Development Goals during his keynote address to a session of the High Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development, currently meeting at UN Headquarters in New York. 

Leaving no one behind is an affirmation of the principles that are central to human rights: equality and non-discrimination.  Indeed, the core aim of the SDGs, as agreed by all Member States in the 2030 Agenda, is to “realise the human rights of all”, to make our programmes people-centred.  

With both multilateralism and human rights taking such a pummelling at the moment, this core commitment of the SDGs seems a rare beacon of hope.  Along with today’s agreement on the Migration Compact.  

But are we succeeding?  Are we meeting this great pledge to leave no one behind?  


UN Celebrates International Day of Yoga

13 juillet 2018

Each year on June 21, the United Nations sponsors the International Day of Yoga, a celebration of the ancient science of yoga and its many benefits to humanity. In acknowledgement of the day, organizations around the world hold events that bring together yoga practitioners and interested newcomers from all age groups, religious affiliations, and ethnic backgrounds. This year the program at the UN Headquarters in New York included a yoga session on the North Lawn and a meditation session at the Church Center for the UN called Yoga, Peace, Unity and Healing: Sharing Collective Meditation in Stillness


2018 UN/DPI NGO Conference

6 juillet 2018

The 2018 UN/DPI NGO Conference (August 22-23 at UN Headquarters in New York) is an opportunity for NGOs across the world to come together to address global issues of interest to the work of the United Nations. Recent annual conferences have attracted over 2000 civil society delegates from every region of the earth. This year’s theme, “We the Peoples…Together Finding Global Solutions to Global Problems”, will focus on the importance of multilateralism in solving world problems.
