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In the Tracks of Hercules



Contributor Links

A-N Magazine
Free listing publicity support

Ioannis Antoniadis
Esoteric Art

Caduceus Magazine
Healing for people, community and planet
"Hercules" article in Issue 64

The Esoteric Quarterly
The online journal published by the School for Esoteric Studies
"Hercules" article in Spring 2005

Juan Carlos Garcia
Author and composer of the CD "The Labours of Hercules"

Ginger Gilmour
Artist - sculptural forms and spatial design

Healing Today
Magazine of the National Federation of Spiritual Healers
"Hercules" article in May-July issue 2005

Inspirational Arts Festival
The official Site of the Inspirational Arts Festival

London and South East Connection
The Guide to Personal Development and Natural Therapies
Listing in Spring 2005 Issue

New Vision
The magazine of the Hamblin Trust
"Hercules" featured in July/August Issue 2005

Opera on the Run
Operatic Cabaret and Theatre

The Seeker
"Hercules" featured in Vol 5 No. 1

Safe Space's website that carries some modern interpretations of the Herules myth

Unstructured Light
The dance group who performed "Sidera Herculana"