
28 settembre 2018

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The following talk was given in the Triangles webinar on September 24, 2018:

We have an opportunity now to work together, on this day of safe-guarding, the day of the Libra full moon, and to distribute the contacted energies through the  medium of the Triangles network  As we  approach the exact time of the full moon, let’s work together to cultivate an inner silence and, in turn, a closer connection with the inner ashrams, making our tiny offerings to these clear pools which  provide refuge and inspiration to many. 


Some thoughts on Earth

14 settembre 2018

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The following talk was given in the Triangles webinar on September 10, 2018:

This Virgo new moon period provides an auspicious time for us to focus on our planet-- for the Earth has a  similar nature to this ancient sign.  Virgo is the sign of the Mother and our planet is known as Mother Earth. But it is also the sign of the indwelling divinity and the influx of its energies stimulates the soul of humanity and the planetary soul to come alive. 

As we observe and study the qualities of Virgo perhaps we can catch a glimpse of some of the  nature of our planet and what is unfolding here. It is clearly related to the soul being born and therefore to the energy that is pouring in  at this time.  This energy fosters relationship--the keynote of our planetary Life. 


The Benefits of Crisis

6 settembre 2018

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The following talk was given in the Triangles webinar on September 3, 2018:

The Great Invocation famously states ‘May Christ return to Earth’. We read in Alice Bailey’s writings, that when the Christ, the World Teacher called by diverse names in the many world religions, reappears in physical manifestation he will found a focal point on Earth that will be in the nature of a tiny heart centre through which the love energy of the Hierarchy can persistently flow. And, that it will be the harmony produced through the Principle of Conflict, , that will bring about an alignment that will allow the love streaming forth from the Heart of God to persistently enter the hearts of people everywhere through this focal point. It is the task of the men and women of goodwill, stimulated by the work of the group of world servers, to make human hearts responsive and receptive to the World Teacher’s energy.


12 Pointed Star and the New Age Symbol

5 settembre 2018

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The following talk was given by James Mills in the Triangles webinar on August 27, 2018:

I’d like to explore with you the 12 pointed star symbol that is used in the Triangles work and its relationship to the New Age Symbol.
