Editorial - Symbols of Meaning

SYMBOLS ARE OMNIPRESENT, for they are a main ingredient of the world of form. They both veil and reveal meaning and significance. They protect the unready from premature approach to reality, yet at the same time they are the window through which the light of truth streams into the consciousness of those who are ready to absorb its energetic impact.

Words provide a rich source of symbolic material and the article, The Revelation of Truth through Sacred Language, offers a fascinating insight into Sanskrit and how language is essentially a mantric system conveying qualities to produce effects. We also know that each of us is “coloured” by the type of ray energy predominant in our vehicles so that we see the world in a slightly different light to another whose aura is coloured differently. Our language reflects this when we say, for example, that a person’s views are “coloured by” their beliefs, suggesting that it is a part truth or a one sided point of view.

Colour, too, is a symbol. We can use it to experience the quality of any form. Naturally, surface colour acts as a veil for the esoteric colour of quality and meaning. But for one treading the path, the subjective life of meditation and the objective life of service increasingly allows penetration of the surface meaning thus revealing the inner significance. The outer colour becomes translucent allowing ideas that reflect the essence of the Plan to emerge and re-charge the dark light of form with their dynamic and superlative colours. This subject is further elaborated in the ‘forerunner’ article about the artist, Kandinsky.

Down the ages we have always associated white light with spirituality. Since Newton, we have known that white light is made up of the seven colours or rays of energy. It is as if for the manifestation of true spirituality, we need the ability to express each divine quality and attribute in the purity of its corresponding colour as well as developing the capacity to synthesise them all into the primordial divinity associated with white light. Our colouring ensures a relationship and natural harmony with others of the same primary colour, while the subsidiary rays provide a meeting place, for contacting others on different primary rays. An interesting perspective on this subject is embodied in the article, The Law of Attraction and Repulsion, which among other things looks at this Law of Attraction from both an esoteric and scientific perspective.

The article Being: Beyond the Soul suggests that we literally abstract ourselves from the temporal limitations of personal and group/soul consciousness in order to ‘participate synthetically’ in being. But this is not a detachment from human consciousness or the human condition but only from its containment. It is on the plane of form where the colours must be perfected and manifested prior to the raising up of substance. It is important now that recognition of the purpose of form life occurs, that desire changes to aspiration and the light of the inner, spiritual sun becomes manifest through the purifying symbols of the form world. [-]