Tucson Unit of Service, AZ USA

Our small, local Tucson Unit of Service held our annual retreat together in November, working with the lower interlude of the year, specifically in preparation for the upcoming Festival of the New Group of World Servers. We worked, strengthening the theme: "Let the bridge of souls and servers link the subjective and objective worlds thus aiding the Christ in his work."

Throughout the planet is found a palpable sense of expectancy . An integrated pattern of group thought is being built as we herald the approach of the 7-year-cycle of the week-long Festival of the NGWS. We consciously integrate this invocative cry forming that lighted bridge, that "living, lighted mandala through which...Hierarchy can worK" during these incredibly potent days. Deep within the heart of the NGWS we engender a magnetic aura, "a unified field of mind and heart, bridging between inner reservoirs of limitless love, light and purpose and the outer world of human affairs." Hopefully, you can find a little time to watch the fabulous video (by Justin, etc.) re. the celebration of this Festival and the call of this coming Capricorn full moon. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbBQuZAVgUI

And from India (i think) comes the 'one billion oms' initiative calling for a simple, synchronised, world-wide sounding of the OM for 3 minutes on 12/22. "Chant OM from wherever you are located for 3 minutes on December 22nd, 2012 (check our international time zone clock to know when to chant in your part of the world...") www.onebillionoms.com

Much Love and thoughts of Joy

Maria Cristina

Tucson Unit of Service
Maria Cristina Donnadieu
Tucson, AZ
United States of America
Email address: [email protected]