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3. The Great Approaches (The Coming New Religion) - Part 2

The Hierarchy is working primarily during the next few years through three groups of Masters who are on the first, second and third rays.  Those on the first ray are dealing with the important figures today in world government, for all of them are subject to impression from their souls and all are fulfilling their individual destiny, and influencing their respective nations along the lines of national destiny.  The period of intensive and seemingly destructive readjustment has been drastic and needed.  This must not be forgotten.  Mistakes in techniques have necessarily been made, and oft the law of love has been infringed.  Sometimes, however, the love of the form aspect of consciousness has been interpreted as synchronous and similar to the law of love by critics of the methods employed.  This is understandable.  But the time of the great national readjustments must soon end, and the necessary processes of realignment be completed.  This should then inaugurate a period of renewed relationships on a wide scale throughout the world; it should see the beginning of the establishment of friendships and the commencement of a new era of right and constructive world contacts.  Hitherto this has never been [730] possible on a large scale, owing to the fact that humanity had not suffered enough and therefore was not adequately sensitive to others.  It had no inner integration such as is now possible through our developed means of communication, and the growth of telepathic sensitivity.  The abuses of the law of living had not been generally recognised and known for what they are by a sufficient number of people.  The work of the great first ray influences is rapidly and materially changing all this, and out of the lessons learnt, the structure of the new civilisation can become possible.

The work of the second ray Masters is now intensifying, and the builders of the new civilisation—working, through the religious organisations, the educational systems of every country and the great army of thinking men and women everywhere—can definitely begin to make their presence felt.  It is in this department primarily that the work of the New Group of World Servers can be noted and can be developed.

The question may be raised whether we are omitting to recognise the presence of the vast millions of the unenlightened masses who hang like a heavy millstone around the neck of the leaders of the race, and who are kept down either through fear, through applied poverty (yes, that is the proper term) or through regimentation.  These constitute (as may be easily recognised) a harnessed menace, but that harness is rapidly becoming worn, and when the leash slips or breaks, it is difficult to forecast what the dire results may be.  The caged wild beast of the unenlightened—and therefore innocent human beings—who work without the means for pleasure or leisure, who are underfed and exploited, cannot indefinitely be held back.  The one hope of the world is that the enlightened and responsible people will readjust world relations, world conditions and the world economic situation, so that contentment through the removal of abuses may succeed, [731] and there will be no necessity for the prevailing and seething misery, which is rapidly reaching boiling point.  Let us not forget, if this seems to be unduly optimistic, that one light, even if small, can light up a whole area.

The second ray influences are therefore being poured through the agency of the educational institutions and groups, through the religious bodies and through all men and women who can vision the higher possibilities and the world of spiritual values and of meaning.  This is being done in the hope that a united stand will be possible and will produce a synthesis of effort; that this will be productive, in its turn, of a real world stabilisation.

The third ray Masters are working strenuously in the world of business and of finance through the agency of those who are animated by a spirit of selfless service—and there are many such.  It is a new field for spiritual endeavour.  It is not possible to enlarge within a brief space upon the methods and the plans of the Hierarchy at this time of crisis and emergency in connection with the field of money and its significance and right use.  The general method employed is one of inspiration and of the presentation of moments of crisis.  These moments offer opportunity for the activity of some disciple, and thus the learning of a needed lesson by the groups or nations implicated becomes possible.  The technique employed by these third ray Masters is to develop the minds of aspirants and thinkers in the specific field of business so that they can think in larger terms than those of their own selfish business interests.  Moments of contact are also arranged between members of the New Group of World Servers and these prominent people, working in the field of economic enterprise, and thus opportunities are provided for certain recognitions and certain definite cooperation.  These are the methods which concern us.  There are other subjective and spiritual [732] methods employed which concern us not.  If they were outlined in detail to us, they would only serve to bewilder.

Let it be emphatically stated here that the major method with which we can concern ourselves, and the most potent instrument in the hands of the spiritual Hierarchy, is the spreading of good will and its fusion into a united and working potency.  That expression is to be preferred to the words "the organization of good will".  Good will is today a dream, a theory, a negative force.  It should be developed into a fact, a functioning ideal, and a positive energy.  That is our work and we are definitely called to cooperate in bringing it about.

The task before the New Group of World Servers is great but it is not an impossible task.  It is engrossing but as it constitutes an imposed life pattern, it can be worked out in every aspect of a man or woman's daily life.  We are now called to serve intensively for a period of years, to abnormal living, and to the shouldering of a responsibility about which we have known for several years, but which we have not shouldered.  Our interest has been powerfully evoked, but not demonstrated as it might have been.  The demand for cooperation has been clearly sounded from the inner side, and by the leaders and workers in the New Group of World Servers.  We have responded with some aid but not with sacrifice; we have given some assistance but it has been the minimum and not the possible maximum (except in a few cases, whose assistance has been whole hearted and recognised).  We have been told that the members of the New Group of World Servers are working in every land to spread good will, world understanding and religious unity.  The idea has been reassuring and we have rested back upon their efforts—the efforts of a hard pressed few.



Again let us recognise it—the urgency is great.  The emergency is upon us and a united spiritual effort, prayerfully carried forward, wisely adjusted to environing need, widely blended with all the similar efforts which may be working cooperatively in every land with the forces of construction—national, religious and economic—can change the aspect of world affairs in the space of a few years.  If there is not an appreciable change in human relations, then there will be little immediate hope of bringing about that united effort which will lead to world stabilisation, interracial and international understanding, economic interdependence and universal good will.  For it is the good will of the powerful groups for humanity and therefore for the masses, and the good will of the intelligentsia and of the influential middle classes which will bring about the needed intelligent changes, which can affect every human being.  The hope of the world today lies in the development of good will—not peace as the word is usually interpreted, to mean merely an enforced freedom from war, and an expediently enforced pacifism, but the cultivation of a spirit of good will, intelligently applied, and worked out with purpose into the fabric of the individual and national life.

We have here presented to us two modes of approaching the problem.  To the consideration of this all of us are called who now are present workers or leaders in the New Group of World Servers, or who desire to enlist ourselves among them.  The next consideration is how can these ideas be intelligently understood?  How can they evoke the cooperation of aspirants and disciples over the world?

Let us state what I see to be possible, and what can be done [734] if we—each and all—face the issue, deal with the opportunity presented on the basis of responsibility, and come to regard our world service in this crisis as a necessary part of our spiritual life, demanding from us, nevertheless, all that we have to give, plus that supreme extra effort which spells success in every case.  This extra effort and this response to the demand for full cooperation, very few of us have yet given.  If what is here set forth is true, and if what we know of world affairs gives in any way a true picture of the present world condition (and it is understated, if anything) then any intelligent man or woman can surely see that it is going to take the united sacrificing effort of every unit in the whole body corporate to promote good will as a healing factor (perhaps the only healing factor) in humanity.

The following suggestions are offered to those who seek to join in this service:

Meditation groups could carry forward their meditations in such a manner that an inner fusion can take place, producing the awakening of the heart centres of the members, and the consequent urge to go forth into the world of daily living to love, to give and to stimulate.

Privately, and in group gatherings the Great Invocation could be said, including the final words:

"So let it be and help us do our part".

There are those who have learned to say these words with intensity of feeling, raising the clasped hands above the head, and then—at the last word—bringing them down to the forehead and then to the heart.  The raising of the hands above the head and their return in touching the forehead and the heart are simply symbolic of the lifting of heart and life and consciousness to divinity, and the subsequent and consequent downflow of spiritual life [735] into the personality—the instrument through which the loving soul must work out the expression of good will.

The emphasis is laid upon the heart centre and upon the necessity to hold the forces there (symbolised by the clasped hands resting upon the heart) because the heart is the centre of loving, giving energy, and the distributor of life.

It should not be necessary to restate any further what should be done, how anyone should give of himself, or in what way he could contribute for the aiding of humanity.  The case has been presented clearly and most definitely.  The responsibility now rests upon those who have received the message.  One can only observe that until those who know and who have the way out presented to them, consecrate themselves and all that they have without reservation to the helping of the world in its hour of need, the work will not be done and the plans of the Hierarchy cannot then materialise.  Should that not eventuate within the near future, then new and perhaps more drastic ways will have to be found.

At a gathering of the Great Ones not so long ago, the question was asked:  "What can we do?  for this emergency must be met."  A silence fell upon the assembled group.  This lasted quite a long time and then they, one and all, simultaneously voiced the reply, speaking as if they were one person, such was the unanimity:  "Let us touch the hearts of men anew with love, so that those who know will love and give.  Let us give love ourselves."  The above may be a statement of fact, or it may be simply a symbolic and allegorical way of helping us to grasp our need.  That is for us to decide.  However, there may be those who will wish to say each morning in their morning meditation or at the noon day recollection the following words:


"I know, Oh Lord of Life and Love, about the need.  Touch my heart anew with love that I too may love and give."

Let us in full surrender of our personal desires and wishes join in the common task of leading humanity into the fields of peace!

I approach you therefore, the conscious aspirants to whom I can speak with freedom and with no attempt to choose my words with care, to ask you, first of all two questions:

1. Do you, in truth, accept the situation as I have outlined it?

2. Where, at this time, do you place your life emphasis?

The answering of these two questions in the light of your soul and your personal earnestness will greatly clarify your minds and your way of living and working.  It will also indicate to Those who are serving the Plan of God upon the subjective side of life, or along the lines of spiritual understanding and meaning, who are the servers, the aspirants and disciples upon whom it is possible to count at this moment of world crisis, for a world crisis is upon us.  If the urgency of the hour is as indicated, and if the next few years are decisive years which will determine and condition the world situation till 1975, then it is necessary for everybody to take stock of himself and turn his spiritual theories and his humanitarian longings into Facts demonstrated in the life of everyday.

The lines of world cleavage are becoming more clearly defined and humanity is slowly forming itself into three camps or groups, as seen from the subjective side of life.  These are:

1. The group of those who violently and actively and sincerely are partisans of certain basic and well-known ideologies which we can roughly divide into the fascist-nazi group, the democratic group and the communistic group.  Such are the major ideas to which the leading [737] [737] nations of the world are pledged and for which they are ready to fight if need arises.

2. The relatively acquiescent masses who, under the regimes endorsing the three above ideologies, live, love and seek to understand a little of what is happening to them and who accept the familiar or the newly imposed rule with acquiescence and oft quite unintelligently, provided they can eat and sleep and reproduce and the ordinary affairs of life can proceed along the usual lines.

3. A rapidly growing group of those who are aware of the other groups, who appreciate the idealism and effort of the first group and also recognise the helplessness of the masses.  They stand ready to do what is possible to help restore world equilibrium and so bring understanding and cooperation and unity into play on a world wide scale.  These are the men and women of good will throughout the world about whom I have so often written.

Behind these three groups, equally interested in them all, stands another group.  It is numerically smaller but spiritually potent and is composed of those whose work it is to further God's plans consciously on earth; they work in touch with the Plan and have a deep knowledge of the general trend of the evolutionary urge; they are directing world force into the desired channels and are assisted in their efforts by the New Group of World Servers.  They are all pledged to establish the kingdom of God on earth, for which the world is ripe and whose coming was foretold by all the great world religions.  Nothing can stop the emergence of that kingdom.

I have briefly re-stated this line-up of the forces, prevalent in humanity today.  A little thought will show how practically [738] every human being can be placed under one or other of these groupings or categories.

It might be of value here if we endeavoured for a few minutes to get the point of view of the spiritual leaders of the race, of the planetary Hierarchy, of Christ and His Church.

These Workers look out upon a world distressed and full of pain.  The economic problem looms large and is a determining factor in many cases.  In a world of plenty, men are starving on every hand, or subsisting on a deplorable insufficiency whilst others of their fellowmen, in the same country, have too much and hold on to it, and frequently commit crimes to keep it.  In a world full of activity, men are forced into a hated inertia through unemployment, and millions of men and women have nothing to do, but exist upon relief, through the charity of the well-intentioned, or upon crime, yet eating their hearts out (consciously or unconsciously) because the right of every human being to live and work and be self-supporting is denied them.  In a world where all men desire peace and the opportunity to live in happiness at home or abroad, the nations everywhere are arming or are fortifying their frontiers in an effort to achieve that security which will enable them to live safely within their borders, free from attack, or to impose their ideas upon their fellowmen or nations.  In a world of organised religions, the same condition of chaos is to be seen.  The Churches in all lands are endeavouring frantically to keep their hold—spiritual, mental or financial—over the people and are playing a losing game, because the days of control by the priestly caste is in reality over, just as is the control of an autocratic dynasty.  The work of the great world religions has been eminently successful and has been carried through to the desired consummation and now the new world religion, which is that of the kingdom of God, is definitely upon the way.


Such is the dark side of the picture and it is dark indeed and men are troubled and feel that there is no sure ground to be found anywhere.  The present world situation has in it the seeds of dire trouble and catastrophe faces the people, as it has three times before, though on a much lesser scale.  This can all be averted, however, if those who know the goal and see the vision and the emerging possibilities rally their force and—by the strength of love and sacrifice—offset the forces of hate and of death.  As those who guide and teach upon the inner side of life look out upon the world they see in every country, in every race and in every religious body, thus coloring every ideology or school of thought (economic, political and religious) those who are moved by love of their fellowmen and are actuated by an earnest desire for their true welfare.  I would like at this time to emphasise the following point:

A man's political and religious affiliations can be strongly held and inspire his true loyalty, and yet need in no way prevent his being an active part of the New Group of World Servers.  They need not deter him from being actively on the side of world good will or provide a barrier to that spiritual sensitivity which makes him susceptible to the higher inner spiritual impression.

The servants of the spiritual Hierarchy and the world disciples are found in every nation; they are loyal to that nation's ideology or political trend of thought or government; the members of the New Group of World Servers embrace every political creed and recognise the authority of every imaginable religion.  Men and women of good will can be discovered functioning in every group, no matter what its ideology or creed or belief.  The Hierarchy does not look for cooperators in any one school of thought, political creed, or national government.  It finds them in all and cooperates with [740] all.  This I have frequently said, yet you find it difficult to believe, so convinced are many of you that your peculiar belief and your particular acceptance of truth is the best undoubtedly and the most true.  It may be for you, but not for your brother of another persuasion, nation or religion.

Thus we find, as well you know, members of the New Group of World Servers scattered everywhere.  They are the only agents which the Hierarchy chooses to employ at this time and to them is committed the task of doing the following things:

1. Restoring the world balance through understanding and good will.

2. Bringing harmony and unity among men and nations by the revelation of the widespread good will everywhere existent.

3. Precipitating, through spiritual perception and correct interpretation, the kingdom of God on earth.

This is a gigantic task but not an impossible one, provided that there is united aspiration, united sacrifice and the interrelating of the three groups:

1. The planetary Hierarchy, which is the spiritual Hierarchy, called in the West, the kingdom of God.

2. The New Group of World Servers or the disciples and aspirants and the spiritual intelligentsia of the world.

3. The men and women of good will found everywhere.

The task, therefore, in the coming year of climax for which preparation must be made is, first of all, to bring about this inter-relation on a large scale through discovering those who respond to this message and idea; secondly, to educate such people in the laws of love and of right understanding, which are in truth the laws of the kingdom of God which Christ [741] came to initiate; thirdly, to reach and awaken the men and women of good will through the wide use of the radio, using it with wisdom and discretion, and the use of correct words and phrases; next, to discover men of like ideas and so organise their minds that each will approach the problem in his own way but with the same world wide objective of spreading understanding and bringing about harmonious adjustments.  This will be done through the agency of the awakened world aspirants, the intelligent statesmen who love humanity and work self-sacrificingly for the general good, the men and women of good will (working each in his own place, city and nation) and the quiet work of the Units of Service cooperating with all the above.

This is a simple programme but of such a practical potency that, if you once worked it out and made the needed sustained effort, in 1942 there would be no question but that success had crowned your efforts.  The coming of God is the coming or emerging fifth kingdom in nature whose citizens always bring beauty into the world, thus glorifying that Intelligence to Whom we give the name of "God" for want of a better term; whose citizens are distinguished by the quality of good will which must, in the long run, bring the right kind of peace, but not pacifism, on earth.  It is a programme of such simplicity that the over-active minds of many will reject it on the ground that it is too simple, and yet the great and controlling factors in the world are always simple.  Simple ideas work out when complex and complicated ones fail in their objective.  The Hierarchy of Masters is governed by simplicity and this, which is one of Their plans, must be distinguished by it also.  What are the plans today, and in what manner can you aid in the task of saving the world?

It can be greatly helped by the discovery, registering and education of the men and women of good will in the world. [742] This is the major line of activity.  Their united good will (at present latent, unused and unorganised) can become a world force and through sheer weight of numbers, these people can make their presence effectively felt.  It will be a force which can mould public opinion through the expression of intelligent love (with the emphasis upon the word intelligent) but which will employ no separative devices, no armed force, no coercion and no political scheming and manipulation.  Is it not possible so to evoke the spirit of good will, present but oft inactive in the hearts of all men, that there will be such a vast number of men and women of good will in the world—consciously in touch with each other throughout the planet—that their voice will not be negligible, nor their expressed desires impotent?  It is this particular method of straightening out the world which the spiritual hierarchy has, at this time, determined to use.  It is a somewhat slower method from your point of view, but the effects will be more lasting and it has in it dynamic possibilities.  This method is based upon two premises:  First, the proven fact of the success of the work which Christ instituted.  He came to demonstrate in His Own Person the love of God.  Prior to His time, there was little expression of that love objective in the world and little philanthropy or sense of responsibility for one's brother extant.  Secondly:  it is a method which has in it a long range success, and yet which can have, at the same time, an immediate reaction.  This success and this reaction are dependent upon all of you who are aware of these facts and set in to do the desired work.

The New Group of World Servers provides a channel through which the power of God, focussed in the Planetary Brotherhood, can flow and that power is not intended (as is sometimes necessary under the evolutionary plan) to be destructive.  The destructive forces of the planet are doing [743] their directed and needed work, but the effects must be balanced and offset by the work of the World Servers.  The power to be released can and will heal humanity's wounds and will bind all men together in a planned synthesis.

As you know, the New Group of World Servers has its members in every land.  A vast number are known.  They are practical intelligent people, not visionary idealistic mystics, working towards an object which may appear inaccessible, but towards one which is capable of immediate and practical application.  They are talking of understanding and cooperation in all fields of human thought and life, and are emphasising the future and unavoidable expression of such love—unavoidable under the evolutionary law.  It is the next great human development.

Behind, in the distant past of the race, humanity faced such a crisis as is now upon us.  The race was then fecundated with intellect, if I may use such a phrase, and the human or fourth kingdom came into being.  The great latent power of self-consciousness was born, and men became individuals.  Now the race faces another fecundation, this time with Love and the fifth kingdom in nature, the kingdom of God can be born and can function upon the outer world of manifestation.  Group consciousness will be seen and the power to identify oneself with the group and not with one's own selfish interests.  The New Group of World Servers, standing at a midway point between the spiritual Hierarchy and the world of men, are the agents of this process and can lead men out of the crisis which it has brought about.  They are expressions of the intended good will and a leavening force in their environment.  They do and say nothing which could increase the existing cleavages among people, races and religions.  Let us leave it at that, for it is a simple statement of a simple way to lay the ground for needed changes.



What, therefore, is the Hierarchy seeking to do today?  Let me briefly state the immediate plan.

1. To make the lines of cleavage, already existing, so apparent that the issue is clear.  This you can see happening every day if you read the world news intelligently and separate the spectacular and untrue details from the broad and true issues.  These lines of cleavage fall into three general lines.

a. Between the three major ideologies:  the Fascists, the Communistic and the Democratic.

b. Between the reactionary and fundamentalist groups and the liberal minded people who react to the newer spiritual impression and the emerging ways of approach to God.

c. Between the old cultures and civilisations and the new incoming ways of living and thinking; between the Piscean way of life and the Aquarian attitude of thought and life; between the laws of the kingdom of God, the fifth kingdom and those of humanity, the fourth; between the self-conscious individualistic way of life and the way of brotherhood, of love and of group consciousness.

2. To heal those divisions and bridge these cleavages through the agency of the world group, which we call the New Group of World Servers, and the men of good will.  These Servers and men of good will belong to all the nations, groups, ideologies and religions on both sides of the different cleavages, and yet hold firmly to the principles of good will and understanding.  They are, therefore, non-partisan and inactive in the present process [745] of differentiation and separative trends.  They hold out the hands of love and understanding to each other across the gulf of differences.  They meet in thought upon the subjective level of the true realities—which are synthetic and eternal—and ignore all outer barriers, and separative differences in mental ideas and material ways of living.

3. To approach nearer to humanity and become a known and forceful fact in the consciousness of Their disciples, of the world aspirants and the New Group of World Servers.  Then these can work with greater confidence, knowing for themselves, past all controversy, that the kingdom of God is emerging upon earth, that the inner world of light, love and meaning is fusing in a realisable sense with the objective world, and that the world of spiritual realities is now recognised on such a large scale that the precipitation of that which is spiritual is discovered to be present in everything that can be known.  This realization and this approach to life through God is the herald of the new world religion.  I have already given you much concerning it in these instructions and if you will re-read it you will be preparing yourself for right participation in the coming Wesak Festival.

4. To bring about the "Day of Crisis" to which I have referred before.  Through this crisis, in which the aspiration of humanity for peace, understanding, good will and truth can be raised to its highest possible expression, there will be brought about, at a given moment of fusion, the downpouring desire of the spiritual forces of the Hierarchy of the Christ and of all associated with Him (call Them by what name you please) and thus there will be precipitated upon earth that spiritual stimulation [746] and that healing force which will end the present period of strife and misery.

It is for this "Day of Crisis" that we are called to work.  It can be brought about in 1942; if all of us put ourselves and all our resources—spiritual, mental and material—into the meeting of the present opportunity and emergency.  It can be brought about if the New Group of World Servers and the massed men and women of good will in every land use intelligence, plus good business technique and methods (which are spiritual faculties, not dedicated, as yet, on a large scale to the things of the kingdom of God.)  Practical utilisation of every possible agency—the press, correspondence, personal contacts and above all the radio—the avoidance of all the old methods such as attack on persons, peoples, nations and ideologies of force and coercion and of separative techniques must be strenuously inculcated.  The forces existent today, directed by the spiritual agencies of the incoming New Age, have made the field of service clear.  It is the bridging of the separative cleavages, and the harmonising of the warring schools of thought.

The workers on the inner side and the disciples who are responsible for the working out of the Plan have made great efforts to reach and stimulate the New Group of World Servers.  They have been successful.  Such success is in no way dependent upon any recognition of the Hierarchy on the part of the Servers.  Where that exists it is a help, but it is dependent upon receptivity to spiritual impression, which means responsiveness to the new ideas which are expressive of the spirit of fusion, of synthesis, of understanding, and of cooperative good will.  Look out for such people and work with them.  Do not hold the prevalent attitude that they must work with you.  It is for us, who perhaps know a little bit [747] more about the Plan than they do, to do the moving forward.  It is for us to evidence intelligent understanding and to set the needed example by submerging our own ideas and personal desires in the good of the whole.

There must be on our part, if we react to all this, the re-orientation of our entire lives for the next few years, to the urgency of the things to be done.  This will necessarily involve the readjustment of our lives to the new impulses; it will entail the elimination of the non-essentials so that we can find time for the task; it will mean the cultivation of that spiritual sensitivity which will render us aware of the impressions and impulses coming from the inner side of life, and will make us quick also to recognise our brothers who are pledged to the same life of good will and who are awake—as we are—to the urgency of human need, and the immediacy of the day of opportunity; it will require the development in all of the spirit of silence, for silence is the best method whereby spiritual force is both generated and stored for us; and it will bring about the training of ourselves to see clearly the issues involved in any situation (personal, national or international) and then enable us to bring to bear upon it the interpretative light of expressed good will.

For the members of the New Group of World Servers and for the men and women of good will, the Hierarchy of spiritual Leaders have laid down the following rules:

1. That they must aim at achieving peaceful relationships with, and harmonious acquiescence in, as well as cooperation with the government or state to which they owe allegiance or loyalty.  This does not mean endorsing all policies and lines of activity undertaken by such governments but it does mean the refraining from all that could cause difficulty.  There is always scope for much constructive [748] activity within any governmental policy or regime and it is to these constructive and peaceful enterprises that the servers of the Great Ones and of humanity will direct their attention.

2. They must refrain from all interference in the affairs of any political or religious group.

3. They must endeavour to express practical good will in the environment where their lot may be cast.

4. They must strive after harmlessness in speech and in life in relation to their family, community, nation or group of nations.  This means a consistent policy of non-attack.  No leader or nation or race must be attacked or defamed.

This is a matter of practical import and is not at all an easy thing to attain.  It lays the foundation for the rapid formation and definite emergences of the New Group of World Servers, and for the discovery and organising of the men of good will throughout the world, wherever they may be found.  The spiritual Hierarchy cannot work through people whose tongues are critical, whose ideas and attitudes are separative and who are violently partisan in their beliefs and comments.  This is a statement of fact.  I seek to have you train yourselves in such right activity, beginning with your own lives and your personal expression in the world.

As regards the required united work, I can but indicate the following lines of activity, and it is for you to follow them, if you will, or make it possible for others to do so:

1. Discover the men and women of good will.  These you will not recognise if you are full of racial, national or religious prejudice.

2. Put these people in touch with the Units of Service in the countries where they live.


3. Educate them in the following ideas:

a. The principles of good will and the medium and methods of their true expression in the daily life.

b. The necessity of their being active and practical and consistent workers in the spread of good will in the world.

c. The usefulness of building up live mailing lists (I think you call it) of those who see life from the angle of the spiritual values and who seek to build for the future.

4. The authorities of any and every nation should be kept in touch with your activities, so that they are aware of all that you are seeking to do and can, therefore, realise that there is nothing subversive in the planned activities, and nothing that has in it the seeds of trouble for any ruler or national government.

5. Keep constantly in touch with the Units of Service and use care in choosing those who represent the work you have all undertaken.

6. Let the meditation groups be carefully handled and have about them nothing that could be regarded as secret or might bring them under suspicion of being secret organisations.  This they are not.  This non-secrecy must be emphasised in connection with all the work.

7. As far as the use of the press and the radio is concerned, go forward as actively and earnestly as possible in preparation for the work planned in 1942 and its great united effort.  Upon these two lay the emphasis, for by them the majority of human beings are reached.

8. Let each Wesak Full Moon be a period of intensive effort preceded by personal preparation and purification and lay the force of the emphasis upon:


a. The producing of sensitivity to the inner spiritual impression, emanating from the Hierarchy and the Group.

b. The achieving of an intelligent appreciation of the steps to he taken during the coming twelve months, and the laying of careful plans so that they may indeed materialise.

c. The correct distribution of your time and resources so that you do become an active worker in the cause of good will.

d. The effort to cooperate with all that is being done along these lines, which entails the discovery of all groups and persons working with similar objectives.

e. The submergence of your temporary interests in the good of the whole and through love of humanity.

I will say no more at this time.  I have sought to indicate that which should be possible.  If my suggestions are followed, and if the work is carried forward diligently, there is every indication that the work of the Hierarchy and of the Christ will be tremendously expedited.  The need and the opportunity call for right understanding, and they demand also a joyful cooperation and the sacrifice of yourselves and of your time and money, in the attempt to make our work possible.

I make no further appeal for your help.  I have been endeavoring to educate you in the new ideals and in the work of the New Group of World Servers.  The responsibility for right action and for the effort to reach the public rests upon the aspirants and disciples of the world who read my words.  There is nothing that I, personally can do.  It is your time (and all of you, without exception, can give some) for which Christ and humanity are today calling.  It is your activity and skill in reaching those you can reach for which we make [751] demand.  It is your money that is needed to enable us to reach the interested public.  It is your meditation and intense inner cooperation which will construct that channel through which the spirit of peace can work and the forces of Light enter.  The Hierarchy waits.  It has done all that is possible from the angle of Its opportunity.  The Christ stands in patient silence, attentive to the effort that will make His work materialise on earth and enable Him to consummate the effort He made 2000 years ago in Palestine.  The Buddha hovers over the planet, ready to play His part if the opportunity is offered to Him by mankind.  I beg you to note what I here have said.  Everything now depends upon the right action of the men of good will.



{i} The material for this chapter was written prior to the declaration of war in 1939.