26: Permanent Atom.  An appropriated point of atomic matter.  A tiny centre of force which forms the central factor and the attractive agency around which the sheaths of the incarnating Monad are built.  These are strung like pearls upon the sutratma, or thread.
Ray.  A stream of force or an emanation.  The solar Logos, or the Macrocosm, manifests through three major rays and four minor rays.  The Monad or microcosm likewise manifests through three rays as mentioned in the text above.  All rays express a peculiar and specialised type of force.
Triad.  This is literally Atma-buddhi-manas, the expression of the Monad, just as the personality is the expression of the Ego.  The Monad expresses itself through the Triad, and in its lowest or third Aspect forms the Egoic or Causal body, the infant or germinal Ego.  Similarly, the Ego expresses itself through the threefold lower man, mental, emotional, and etheric (these being the reflection of the higher Triad) and these three give rise to the dense physical manifestation.