13: In the Secret Doctrine the Heavenly Men are spoken of as:
1. Agents of creation.  They are the totality of manifestation.—S. D., I, 470.
2. They are pre-cosmic.—S. D., I, 470.
3. They are the sumtotal of solar and lunar entities.—S. D., I, 152, 470.  Compare II, 374.
4. They are the seven Biblical Archangels.
They are the seven Forces or creative Powers.
They are the seven Spirits before the Throne.
They are the seven Spirits of the Planets.—S. D., I, 472, 153.
5. In Their totality They are the Secret Unpronounceable Name.—S. D., I, 473.
6. They are the collective Dhyan Chohans.—S. D., I, 477.
7. They are the seven Kumaras.  The seven Rishis.—S. D., I, 493.  III, 196, 327.
8. They are the Sons of Light.—S. D., I, 521, 522.
9. They are the Hierarchy of creative Powers.—S. D., I, 233.
10. They are the veiled synthesis.—S. D., I, 362.
11. They are our own planetary deities.—S. D., I, 153.
12. They are all men, the product of other worlds.—S. D., I, 132.
13. They are closely connected with the seven stars of the Great Bear.—S. D., I, 488.  S. D., II 332.  II, 579, 668.  S. D., III, 195.
14. They are symbolised by circles.—S. D., II, 582.
15. They are collectively the fallen Angels.—S. D., II, 284, 541.