20: "Manas is the individuality or the spiritual Ego on the side of the higher Triad, and the personality or the kamic ego on the side of the lower quaternary.  Manas is the pivot of the human structure, or the centre on which the spiritual and material parts of man are made to turn."
"Lower manas is only a ray of the higher manas let into the fleshly tabernacle for illuminating its being and giving it thought, desire and memory."
"It is because manas is the turning point in the cycle that H. P. B. has considered it under the two aspects—higher and lower—the higher the attainer and experiencer of spiritual heights and the lower, the soul of the lower three, the triangle that completes embodiment.  Manas is therefore the battle-ground of forces contained in the microcosm....The stage of evolution which we have reached is the very starting point of the great struggle."—Some Thoughts on the Gita.