45: Deva-Chan. "(3) 'Who goes to Deva Chan?'  The personal Ego, of course, but beatified, purified, holy.  Every Ego—the combination of the sixth and seventh principles—which, after the period of unconscious gestation is reborn into the Deva-Chan, is of necessity as innocent and pure as a new-born babe.  The fact of his being reborn at all shows the preponderance of good over evil in his old personality.  And while the Karma (of evil) steps aside for the time being to follow him in his future earth-reincarnation, he brings along with him but the Karma of his good deeds, words, and thoughts into this Deva-Chan.  'Bad' is a relative term for us—as you were told more than once before,—and the Law of Retribution is the only law that never errs. Hence all those who have not slipped down into the mire of unredeemable sin and bestiality—go to the Deva-Chan.  They will have to pay for their sins, voluntary and involuntary, later on.  Meanwhile they are rewarded; receive the effects of the causes produced by them.
"Of course it is a state, one, so to say, of intense selfishness during which an Ego reaps the reward of his unselfishness on earth.  He is completely engrossed in the bliss of all his personal earthly affections, preferences, thoughts, and gathers in the fruit of his meritorious actions.  No pain, no grief nor even the shadow of a sorrow comes to darken the bright horizon of his unalloyed happiness; for, it is a state of perpetual 'Maya.'...Since the conscious perception of one's personality on earth is but an evanescent dream that sense will be equally that of a dream in the Deva-Chan—only a hundredfold intensified."
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"'Bardo' is the period between death and rebirth—and may last from a few years to a kalpa.  It is divided into three sub-periods (1) when the Ego delivered of its mortal coil enters into Kama-Loka (the abode of Elementaries); (2) when it enters into 'Gestation State'; (3) when it is reborn in the Rupa-Loka of Deva-Chan.  Sub-period (1) may last from a few minutes to a number of years—the phrase 'a few years' becoming puzzling and utterly worthless without a more complete explanation; Sub-period 2nd is 'very long'; as you say, longer sometimes than you may even imagine, yet proportionate to the Ego's spiritual stamina; Sub-period 3rd lasts in proportion to the good Karma, after which the monad is again reincarnated."
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..."Every effect must be proportionate to the cause.  And, as man's terms of incarnate existence bear but a small proportion to his periods of inter-natal existence in the manvantaric cycle, so the good thoughts, words, and deeds of any one of these 'lives' on a globe are causative of effects, the working out of which requires far more time than the evolution of the causes occupied."—From Mahatma Letters to A. P. Sinnett, pp. 100, 105-106.