94:Magic.—The art of divine Magic consists in the ability to perceive the essence of things in the light of nature (astral light), and—by using the soul-powers of the Spirit—to produce material things from the unseen universe, and in such operations the Above and the Below must be brought together and made to act harmoniously.—S. D., II, 538.
Magic is the second of the four Vidyas, and is the great maha-Vidya in the Tantric writings.  It needs the light of the fourth vidya (atmavidya) thrown on it in order to be White magic.—S. D., I, 192.
Black Magic is defined by H. P. B. as follows:
a. Black magic employs the astral light for purposes of deception and seduction, whereas the white magician employs it for purposes of information, and the aiding of evolution.—S. D., I, 274.
b. Black magic works with opposing poles.  The white magician seeks the point of equilibrium or balance, and of synthesis.—S. D., I, 448.
c. Black magic has for its symbol the inverted 5-pointed star.
White magic uses the same symbol with the point uppermost.
d. Black magic is maha-vidya without the light of atma-vidya.
White magic is maha-vidya illumined by atma-vidya.—S. D., I, 592.
e. Black magic is ruled over by the moon.
White magic is ruled over by the sun.
f. Black and white magic arose during the great schism which started during the fourth root-race.—S. D., II, 221, 445, 520.
g. Black magic is based on the degradation of sex and of the creative function.
White magic is based on the transmutation of the creative faculty into the higher creative thought, the generative organs being neglected by the inner fire, which passes to the throat, the centre of creative sound.
h. Black magic deals with the forces of involution.
White magic works with the powers of evolution.
i. Black magic is concerned with the form, with matter.
White magic is concerned with the life within the form, with Spirit.