June 8 - 9, 2019 Arcane School Conference, Geneva -
video archive of the afternoon sessions

June 8
01. Expressing purpose and will through synthesis - Steve Nation
02. Listening is the seed of obedience � Ute Pasalk-Sembowki in German
03. Revealing intuition and wisdom through service � Joceline Cussol in French
04. Expansion of consciousness and group progress � MaAntonia Massanet Sola in Spanish
June 9
05. The Antahkarana - the �Radiant Way� of Resurrection � Evgueni Pikalov in Russian
06. Harmlessness and the restoration of the flow of spiritual impression � Elvira Pisaturo
07. Music and the Ageless Wisdom � Mario Eugster in German
08. Let the group reveal its underlying unity � Stefaan Werbrouck in Dutch