Exploring wisdom as a source of sustainable relationships

14 dicembre 2023

Dermot Carroll, a World Goodwill co-worker from Ireland, recently delivered this paper to an international conference held at the Secondary School at the Biotechnical Centre, Naklo in Slovenia, ‘Respecting the Future: Ways of Inspiring the Youth for Sustainable Mutual Relationships’. He writes that the paper was “partly inspired by John Fullerton’s talk” on Regenerative Economics at the 2022 World Goodwill Seminar.

“Smart people sometimes act unwisely” So says Tobin Hart in his essay Education for Wisdom. Over many decades humans have accumulated a vast amount of knowledge, which we have used to develop extraordinary technologies in every conceivable area, most of which has significantly enhanced our quality of life. But it seems also that this accumulated knowledge has cut us off from the natural ecosystems that we are truly dependent upon. Humans’ relationship with the natural world has become distorted. This is especially evident in our economic system which runs contrary to the laws of the natural world. The growing threats from the climate crises are demonstrating the extent of our fragility as well as our ultimate dependence on the nature. The great challenge and opportunity for educators today is to develop a culture of wisdom that can inspire humans to a better understanding of our place within the natural system. This paper suggests that a complex problem such as climate change can only be addressed through a change in consciousness. It outlines how a combination of knowledge and wisdom is required to heal our economic relationships, our relationships with each other, and with our ecosystem.
