The Rhythm of Life

3 novembre 2017

The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on October 30, 2017:

Through our studies of ancient scriptures we read of distant times when people lived simpler and more harmonious lives, in touch with the currents of the natural world and as a consequence, recognized themselves as part of something much greater. They synchronized their breath within the all-encompassing breath of God and life was lived more as a collective experience.  Myths and legends gave deeper meaning to the seemingly ordinary events of the day and taught lessons that served to deepen the connection with spirit.  

This connection with the underlying current of life is not generally supported by contemporary culture.  The busyness and over-extension which characterizes most people’s lives today often leaves little time or the requisite consciousness to deal with much beyond the daily demands and the continual distractions.  Much of the present world view is defined by a rather concrete minded scientific perspective on reality which denies the subjective reality.  So while science has contributed much to the improvement of our lives and the expansion of our understanding, it has also been responsible for the narrowing of our vision, causing us to lose much that previously had given meaning to our lives.  Without a sense of connection with life’s larger rhythms, we separate off and seek artificial means of generating that connection, substituting the unreal for the Real. 


Restorative Justice and the Triangles Work by Christine Thomas

25 ottobre 2017

The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on October 23, 2017:

I work in the field of restorative justice.  Restorative Justice is an aspect of Restorative Practices, which at its heart is a social science based in right human relationships.  Along a continuum exists a range of strategies and practices which are aimed at building and fostering healthy respectful relationships and responding to and repairing where possible relationships when conflict and harmful behaviour occurs. These practices are deeply connected to the field of peacebuilding.


Right Balance and Dance

17 ottobre 2017

Maria Calegari and Bart Cook, former Principal Dancers with the New York City Ballet, recently spoke about the Libra Festival on a 2025 Initiative webinar. The following extracts are reproduced with permission.


A New Reality

9 ottobre 2017

The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on October 2, 2017:

Through consciously creating lines of light and love through our triangles work we are working with our higher selves to create a new reality. The beauty of this work is that in the conscious creation of a vision based on light, love and right human relations that permeates each triangle and radiates out into human consciousness, it stimulates those within the human family who are receptive, to seek this higher vision in their own daily lives. This work, therefore, creates a new reality, so it is easy to see why it is so close to the heart of the Hierarchy at this time. For, light can indeed "descend on earth" and goodwill can also stream forth in fuller livingness into the hearts of men; thus, transforming their lives and bringing about the era of right human relations that is so deeply desired.


Gifts of “no-man’s land.”

2 ottobre 2017

The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on September 25, 2017:

The full potency of this quality of balance pours in at this equinox time under the zodiacal influence of Libra, when day and night come together in perfect harmony.  This time should therefore encourage us to cultivate this quality in alignment with the group soul for the soul is ever in harmony with the rhythms of the natural world.  Cultivating balance aids us to build strength and consequently to deepen our spiritual alignment in preparation for the coming cycle, the cycle of testing.  When we cleave to the extremes we lose our balance and we can easily fall.  This is one of the lessons that Libra helps us learn.

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