January 2009

Humanity at this time is passing through a cycle of excessive activity. For the first time in human history this activity embraces mankind on a large scale...

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February 2009

…determination is in most cases simply the expression of a fixed and united desire.

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March 2009

Great is the mystery of pain! The word went forth to all the sons of men, the Sons of God

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April 2009

This whole question of money is one of the greatest difficulty at this time and also one of the utmost simplicity.

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May 2009

...we must be prepared to forget ourselves in the service of touching, containing and holding force for the rest of humanity.

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June 2009

The word "spiritual" does not refer to religious matters, so-called. All activity which drives the human being...

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July 2009

The vision in men’s minds today is that of the Aquarian Age, even if they recognise it not. The future will see...

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August 2009

In the life of every disciple, particularly of those who face certain great expansions of consciousness, a point of crisis will come about.

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September 2009

Education is consequently the science of linking up the integral parts of man, and also of linking him up in turn with his immediate environment...

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October 2009

In these days of the shattering of the old form and the building of the new, adaptability is needed. We must avert the danger of crystallisation through pliability and expansion.

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November 2009

In the new groups are collected together people who are very diverse in their nature, who are found upon differing rays,

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December 2009

The third danger against which the aspirant must guard himself is becoming obsessed by his own embodied ideas

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