The Planetary Network - June 2022

The network of light, love and service is transforming the mental climate and reorientating humanity to spiritual values. The items here are a small sample of these constructive activities.

UNIDAD DE SERVICIO SANTA FE - This is a group working within the Spanish speaking community and based in Sante Fe, Argentina. A heartfelt responsibility to assist in the creation of a future based on spiritual values and principles informs their service. Their efforts are unified by this common purpose and, using meditation and reflection, they seek to learn the essentials of service through contact with the soul. Alignment and cooperation with the Lucis Trust forms an important part of their ethos, and, amongst their other activities, they have also undertaken to provide translation of the Triangles webinar scripts into Spanish.

UNIFY - orchestrates Global Synchronized Events to inspire community-driven action campaigns for World Peace. During these events, people of all backgrounds are invited to meditate, pray, host local ceremonies and contribute to a more loving, peaceful world in their own way. By unifying at these times, they strive to create a living example of the truth that we are all one. They strive to give rise to an emerging planetary culture that embraces the interdependence and well-being of all.