The Planetary Network - September 2019

The planetary network of light, love and service is transforming the mental climate of the planet, reorienting humanity to spiritual attitudes and values. The groups and activities reported in the Bulletin reflect different aspects of the network

The WholeWorld-View Community is focused on the search for meaning and belonging, celebrating diversity within a unified whole. Its purpose is to empower conscious evolution and it supports the aim to transform the global emergency challenge into this conscious evolution.

Based on Dr. Jude Currivan’s book, The Cosmic Hologram – the Community’s message of unified reality provides practical perspectives on global problem solving, shifting values and behaviours into harmonious alignment with the natural world, as well as universal and cosmic principles.

The WholeWorld-View Community’s scientifically-based perspective is reconciled with spiritual traditions and supernormal phenomena, providing an understanding of what it means to be human, the potential for evolution and the nature of reality itself.