The Problems of Humanity web pages are an online experiment in assisting people of goodwill to understand world events, and to contribute their ideas towards possible solutions. They have evolved from the Problems of Humanity Study Course, 7 booklets printed by World Goodwill which are freely available for individual and group study. The 7 booklets are:

1. Introduction;

2. The Psychological Renewal of the Nations;

3. Children, Youth & Education;

4. Capital, Labour & Employment;

5. Racial Minorities;

6. The Churches & Organised Religion;

7. International Unity

These booklets are inspired by the book "Problems of Humanity" by Alice Bailey, available from Lucis Press, and are regularly updated with material from contemporary sources. The latest to be updated is Set 2 on the Psychological Renewal of the Nations, and an update for Set 4 will also be available very soon.

Throughout the course, emphasis is placed upon underlying causes and emerging trends rather than on a factual survey of events. The use of the trained mind in reflective meditation is seen as a key factor, and is encouraged. In this work it is essential to reject a superficial interpretation of events and search instead for the underlying causes. This calls for an ability to penetrate into the world of meaning and to transmit the lighted understanding and direction of the soul, via the mind, into our everyday awareness.

The thoughtful consideration and meditative attitude of people striving to find a solution to humanity's problems in terms of right human relations, provides a "bridging vehicle", subjectively, between humanity and its spiritual source.

The Problems of Humanity course has been created in the hope that it will lead to two important results:

1.Help us find our right field of service in the world (if we have not already done so).

2.Help in the creation of a "thoughtform of solution" in human consciousness which will aid in bringing about right human relations.


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