The Power of Goodwill

The following remarks were broadcast in the Triangles Webinar on November 6, 2017:

It’s said that humanity has “the habit of crisis”. Throughout its long journey, spanning endless cycles, the human family has progressed from primitive beginnings, little removed from its animal roots, to a relatively advanced civilisation and culture in which the realm of the mind and of ideas are forging a new enlightened era. Nonetheless, crisis shadows humanity.

Patterns and events repeat themselves on ever higher turns of the spiral in order to impress spiritual truths more adequately in consciousness. In other words, we may not learn a lesson fully on the first pass. It may require further cycles of experiencing similar circumstances to, once and for all, reinforce the message. We see events in the world today that we thought or hoped we had passed beyond decades ago, only to see them resurface in a new guise, but importantly in the light of an accumulated wisdom and from a deeper perspective.

The events working out on the world stage are a significant opportunity to ensure that we do not have to repeat the same experiences time and again, but to move forward, in a more determined way, from old, crystallised thinking, into a brighter future, to those alluring, evocative yet distant “broad sunlit uplands”.

As goodwill unfolds in the human family, it brings about “a revelation of the existent cleavages which distinguish the political, the religious, the social and the economic life of people everywhere.” Such is the potency of goodwill in the world today that the forces of progress and of vision appear in stark and real contrast to the separative forces arrayed against the tide and flow of evolution. The many profound issues of our time have probably never been clearer in the minds of thinking men and women of goodwill the world over. Humanity has come of age, the early dawn of infanthood, childhood and then youth, have been superseded by adulthood, not yet maturity and wisdom, but the first efflorescence of mind coloured with lighted spiritual understanding. It is interesting to consider that as human focus draws closer to the plane of mind with each passing year, so at the same time, it moves ever nearer to the sources of eternal light and unconditional love.

Right and wrong, the values of a culture of the soul, or the narrow and separative characteristics of the lower self, stand on the world stage cheek by jowl. Not without good reason then has this period been called the “age of restoration of what has been broken by the fall.” It is a precursor to an age in which beauty and reality will supersede ugliness and materiality. Each of us, individually and collectively, in our group environment, have an intrinsic part to play in this unfolding drama of planetary proportions.

It is important then that the visionary group of servers in the world, and the countless hundreds of thousands of people of goodwill act in concert and without undue delay to offset a further crystallisation of materialism and a ‘solidification’ of ancient habits of thought, which run contrary to the law of evolution.

So, as we celebrate 80 years of Triangles this year (2017), we can be confident that the love and dedication that have been brought to the work over the decades have contributed in the awakening of humanity from its long slumber. The light of consciousness is revealing the grandeur of the ideas that are working their way through into the outer world. The tide is turning, a new dawn approaches, and such has been the beauty and success of the evolutionary process that today untold numbers of people stand for justice, freedom and truth. And, whilst, nothing ultimately can arrest the working out of the divine Plan, it can be delayed if the weight and direction of public opinion is not sufficiently orientated towards the light. The long shadow of separateness and division still partially obscures the light and countenance of Hierarchy from shining in fuller measure upon the weary vale of earth. But, all is far from lost, humanity has faced far greater challenges in its long journey into the light. So, let our work start anew today and every day, to ensure that a mantle of love, light and healing enfolds humanity, and all life upon our small yet awakening planet.

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