New Moon Meeting

Due to the Coronavirus, and until further notice, all physical meetings for the New Moon and Full Moon are cancelled and will be replaced by live audio broadcasts via Zoom. Archives of the broadcasts will continue to be posted here. The Zoom broadcasts for New Moon and Full Moon will include a talk followed by a meditation. An email notice will be sent in advance of the meeting with all the information needed to link to the Zoom broadcast.


Meditation is the primary form of service for those following a spiritual path. It is a means of cooperation and alignment with hierarchical intent. The new moon period follows upon the cycle of outbreathing in the rhythmic cycles of the breath; it is a time of pause wherein together we can establish a soul-mind-brain alignment.  During this period we work in thought to concretize the ideas and impressions received at the time of the full moon period and undertake the sometimes difficult process of translating them into practical plans that can be of service in the world. The effect of this meditative effort is to enhance the many ways in which the “power of the one Life” and the “love of the one soul” are working out through all true servers everywhere.

The meeting, which will be broadcast on ZOOM will include an exploration on the theme Shining a Light on the Way Forward, followed by group discussion and meditation.

In the midst of all the troubling divisions of these challenging times the new moon invites us to shine a light on the incarnated world of human experience, observing the events and issues of the day from the perspective of the unfolding Plan. And Sagittarius suggests that special attention be paid towards the Way forward as it relates to our local communities, our nations and the world of nations.

Behind the fixed opinions and the critical thinking of different ‘sides’ in partisan debates we can choose to focus on the state of goodwill in the world and on those movements of thought and activism that are designed to strengthen the spirit of sharing and cooperation for the common good. The more this is done with focus and clarity the more we shine a light on the way forward.

Goodwill can be found on all sides of the partisan divide. It is reflected, for example, in those who respect the integrity of others who may have different views, focusing on any of the multitude of examples of wise and intelligent goodness shining through efforts to build a better world. With this in mind we invite all to join a discussion during the meeting with stories of the presence of wise and intelligent goodness in response to any of the problems of humanity as outlined by the Tibetan.

Question for Reflection and Discussion:

Where do you see examples of a wise and intelligent spirit of goodness impacting human affairs in a positive way?

Readings & Viewing:


Listen to a Live broadcast of the Meeting


Reuniones Lucis Trust

Nueva York

viernes 3 diciembre 2021 06:00 p. m.

Meeting will be held online only

Reuniones Locales Independientes

Visite el directorio de la Red Mundial en este sitio para encontrar una lista de grupos independientes que celebran reuniones de meditación del festival en el momento de la luna llena.

Horario de Lunas Llenas


Transmisión en Directo de las Reuniones Lucis

Reino Unido

La transmisión de esta reunión empieza a 23:00 Londres Hora (Hora Local)


La transmisión de esta reunión empieza a 18:00 Nueva York Hora (Hora Local)


La transmisión de esta reunión empieza a 00:00 Ginebra Hora (Hora Local)
