New Moon Meeting

Due to the Coronavirus, and until further notice, all physical meetings for the New Moon and Full Moon are cancelled and will be replaced by live audio broadcasts via Zoom. Archives of the broadcasts will continue to be posted here. The Zoom broadcasts for New Moon and Full Moon will include a talk followed by a meditation. An email notice will be sent in advance of the meeting with all the information needed to link to the Zoom broadcast.


Meditation is the primary form of service for those following a spiritual path. It is a means of cooperation and alignment with hierarchical intent. The new moon period follows upon the cycle of out breathing in the rhythmic cycles of the breath; it is a time of pause wherein together we can establish a soul-mind-brain alignment.  During this period we work in thought to concretize the ideas and impressions received at the time of the full moon period and undertake the sometimes difficult process of translating them into practical plans that can be of service in the world. The effect of this meditative effort is to enhance the many ways in which the “power of the one Life” and the “love of the one soul” are working out through all true servers everywhere. The meeting will be broadcast on ZOOM and will include an exploration on the theme, Considering Race Relations, followed by meditation.

Theme: Considering Race Relations

...[T]he entire problem we are considering can be traced back to the outstanding human weakness, the great sin or heresy of separateness….Separateness sets an individual against his brother, engendering a destructive sense of superiority and leads to the pernicious doctrine of superior and inferior nations and races….It is a state of affairs which humanity must face as a whole; and by meeting and facing this basic expression of universal wrongdoing, humanity can bring about the needed change and is offered a new opportunity for right action, leading to right human relations.   Problems of Humanity, pp. 87-88

At this time of outpouring within the annual cycle, when there is an abundance of light, it is no surprise that many unresolved issues are again rising to the surface.  Cancer is the sign of the lighted house, the causal body, wherein the soul reigns supreme but that soul light also illumines its world reflection, revealing that which is in need of rectification.  Utilising the energy of this new moon period we will focus our consciousness upon a consideration of race relations, especially as it concerns the United States.

Racial justice is a global need, a universal right, and it is a problem confronting many nations including the United States—As soul qualities of a consciousness of unity seek manifestation they naturally arouse backlash and take much time as the nation swings back and forth between political and ideological polarities that are always at play. These crises demand that issues come to the surface where they can be addressed directly.  This often leads to a battleground between national Angels and their associated Dwellers.

The United States is an Aquarian nation, with the motto: “I light the way.”  Part of the national purpose, therefore, is to demonstrate to the world a harmonious blending and fusing among people of all races and nationalities.   The soul of any nation sees no difference and knows that the outer divisions at the level of the form are an illusion and must not be allowed to dominate.  In our work together we will contribute to the building of a thoughtform of solution that will contribute to  the healing and release of all national souls, including the US,  through a consideration of some of the proposals being offered at this time to address the present challenges.

Listen to a Live broadcast of the Meeting


Reuniones Lucis Trust

Nueva York

lunes 20 julio 2020 06:00 p. m.

Meeting will be held online only

Reuniones Locales Independientes

Visite el directorio de la Red Mundial en este sitio para encontrar una lista de grupos independientes que celebran reuniones de meditación del festival en el momento de la luna llena.

Horario de Lunas Llenas


Transmisión en Directo de las Reuniones Lucis

Reino Unido

La transmisión de esta reunión empieza a 23:00 Londres Hora (Hora Local)


La transmisión de esta reunión empieza a 18:00 Nueva York Hora (Hora Local)


La transmisión de esta reunión empieza a 00:00 Ginebra Hora (Hora Local)
